História sobre astronautas que dispararam um farol de alerta alienígena na lua (ou em Marte?)


Meu pai e eu estávamos falando sobre histórias de ficção científica que lemos ao longo dos anos. Ele perguntou se eu já tinha lido

"that one about those astronauts on the moon, or maybe Mars?. I don't remember much, except these astronaut guys discover this piece of alien technology laying there on the ground, conspicuously unmarred and free of the all-pervading Martian (or perhaps lunar) dust, emitting a ringing or buzzing sound that could be heard through their suits and the vaccum of space or whatever."

Suponho que houve algum diálogo entre esses pioneiros cósmicos e talvez até mesmo uma pitada de Controle da Missão com seus dois centavos de volta em Terra Firma para dar sabor. No entanto, os detalhes se desenrolaram, a natureza humana sendo o que é, esses astronautas finalmente se abaixaram, disseram 'estrague tudo', e encontraram as bolas para pegá-lo.

O som (sinal?) parou imediatamente. O artefato - acho que ele disse que era em forma de caixa e metálico - era algum tipo de "Aquele macaco louco e sem pêlos finalmente conseguiu se desprender de seu sistema de detecção". Enquanto os pequenos chimpanzés loucos balançavam de membro em braço, batendo uns nos outros na cabeça para baixo na Mãe Terra, o sinal continuava pulsando continuamente para o espaço em direção ao planeta que esses misteriosos extraterrestres chamavam de lar doce lar.

por Winston Aarron Webb 07.03.2017 / 13:18

2 respostas

Você está descrevendo " The Sentinel " de Arthur C. Clarke, a história que se tornou a base para a seqüência da lua no filme 2001: Uma Odisséia no Espaço.

Por wikipedia

The story deals with the discovery of an artifact on Earth's Moon left behind eons ago by ancient aliens. The object is made of a polished mineral, is tetrahedral in shape, and is surrounded by a spherical forcefield. The narrator speculates at one point that the mysterious aliens who left this structure on the Moon may have used mechanisms belonging "to a technology that lies beyond our horizons, perhaps to the technology of para-physical forces."

The narrator speculates that for millions of years (evidenced by dust buildup around its forcefield) the artifact has been transmitting signals into deep space, but it ceases to transmit when, sometime later, it is destroyed "with the savage might of atomic power". The narrator hypothesizes that this "sentinel" was left on the moon as a "warning beacon" for possible intelligent and spacefaring species that might develop on Earth.

In 2001: A Space Odyssey, the operation of the sentinel is activated when sunlight touches it for the first time after it was dug up.

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07.03.2017 / 13:23

Enquanto isso poderia ser "The Sentinel", outra possibilidade é 2001: Uma Odisséia no Espaço , o trabalho mais conhecido no qual o conto cresceu. É tanto um filme de Stanley Kubrick quanto um livro de Arthur C. Clarke, desenvolvidos juntos.

O objeto é conhecido como TMA-1, para Tycho Magnetic Anomaly One.

"The first party discovered nothing - just the usual level terrain, buried beneath a very thin layer of moon-dust. They sank a drill in the exact center of the magnetic field to get a core sample for study. Twenty feet down, the drill stopped. So the survey party started to dig - not an easy job in spacesuits, as I can assure you.
"What they found brought them back to Base in a hurry. We sent out a bigger team, with better equipment. They excavated for two weeks - with the result you know."


The object before which the spacesuited man was posing was a vertical slab of jet-black material, about ten feet high and five feet wide: it reminded Floyd, somewhat ominously, of a giant tombstone. Perfectly sharp-edged and symmetrical, it was so black it seemed to have swallowed up the light falling upon it; there was no surface detail at all. It was impossible to tell whether it was made of stone or metal or plastic - or some material altogether unknown to man.


"You see, it is approximately three million years old. What you are now looking at is the first evidence of intelligent life beyond the Earth."

Quando totalmente escavado e tocado pelo sol pela primeira vez, ele envia um "grito eletrônico penetrante".

Floyd was still musing over these thoughts when his helmet speaker suddenly emitted a piercing electronic shriek, like a hideously overloaded and distorted time signal. Involuntarily, he tried to block his ears with his spacesuited hands; then he recovered and groped frantically for the gain control of his receiver. While he was still fumbling four more of the shrieks blasted out of the ether; then there was a merciful silence.
All around the crater, figures were standing in attitudes of paralyzed astonishment. So it's nothing wrong with my gear, Floyd told himself; everyone heard those piercing electronic screams.
After three million years of darkness, TMA-1 had greeted the lunar dawn.

07.03.2017 / 14:12