Pode ser a Guerra dos Cinquenta Milhões Anos publicada nos anos 80, de autoria de Kevin Randle e Robert Cornett:
As sementes da guerra (1986)
It was war. The enemy...Alien, unknown, incredibly distant. The troops...reluctant volunteers, young and afraid. The stars... their training ground, the school where each must learn the soldier's craft. The journeys end...a battle unimaginable, on a planet decades from home.
A campanha de Aldebaran (1988)
O ataque dos aquarianos (1989)
Through twelve thousand light years, and eight and a half centuries, the Troops of Earth have pursued the faceless alien enemy. Now, one of the alien ships has crashed on the water world known as Planet Five. It lies in the ocean's depth, intact, an answer to centuries of questions. Major Tony Fetterman and Captain Lara Masterson have their orders: find the enemy vessel. But on Planet Five, the seas are hostile, alive with savage creatures. And it will take more than firepower to survive...The Aquarian Attack.