Ok, vou dar uma resposta às lendas.
Olhando para a visão dos cidadãos do Império sobre a república na série X-Wing, vemos muita propaganda e apenas mentiras espalhadas para desencorajar o apoio dos rebeldes. Coruscant (e provavelmente outros planetas) tinha grandes museus construídos como monumentos ao imperador e ao império.
All the displays... were slanted toward making the viewers believe everything the Emperor had done had been for their specific good.
e uma citação longa, vale a pena ler:
A holographic image of Darth Vader sizzled to life when wedge had approached. "Behold my Master and weep. He has been stolen from us by those who embrace hatred. The Emperor had learned the rebels had stolen plans for a Planetary ore extractor and intended to use the one they fabricated on Endor on inhabited planets. He assembled his fleet, and heedless of personal danger, he had me take him to Endor. He infiltrated the half-completed extractor, offering these Rebels his forgiveness and a hand of friendship. They rejected him and attacked his fleet. My master had no alternative but to destroy this Death Star himself, perishing in the process so his citizens could live on. I was slain with him, but my death did not distress me, for it came in service to my master.
Muito do que os cidadãos do Império ouvem é completamente fabricado ou distorcido contra os Rebeldes.
Quanto à destruição de Alderaan, embora não se saiba exatamente o que aconteceu especificamente com o planeta, os Rebeldes são culpados por isso:
The fear that lingered in everyone's heart concerning the destruction of Alderaan was shifted into fear directed at the Rebellion.
Edit: Eu encontrei outra menção de propaganda,
"If not for various holodramas that painted Jedi Knights as villains..." X-Wing: Bacta War Chapter 1 page 3
Assim, até mesmo a mídia está envolvida na distorção da verdade. Essas fontes de informação podem ser a única informação que alguns indivíduos veem e, portanto, não têm motivos para questionar sua validade.