Não está nos Regulamentos da Aviação Canadense, mas na Lei de Aeronáutica que habilita os CARs. É a seção 6.5 (2) , e sim, se você é um piloto, você tem que aconselhar qualquer médico sobre isso, e eles, por sua vez, devem avisar o "Ministro" se houver um possível perigo para a aviação. Aqui está ("Documento de Aviação Canadense" significa sua licença de piloto):
6.5 (1) Where a physician or an optometrist believes on reasonable grounds that a patient is a flight crew member, an air traffic controller or other holder of a Canadian aviation document that imposes standards of medical or optometric fitness, the physician or optometrist shall, if in his opinion the patient has a medical or optometric condition that is likely to constitute a hazard to aviation safety, inform a medical adviser designated by the Minister forthwith of that opinion and the reasons therefor.
(2) The holder of a Canadian aviation document that imposes standards of medical or optometric fitness shall, prior to any medical or optometric examination of his person by a physician or optometrist, advise the physician or optometrist that he is the holder of such a document.