Existe alguma evidência de relatividade no universo de Star Wars?


Nos comentários em Como é a idade monitorada no universo de Star Wars? começamos a discutir a relevância da relatividade no universo das Star Wars.

Existe alguma evidência em Canon ou Legends de que quaisquer efeitos relativísticos (em particular a dilatação do tempo) sejam relevantes no universo de Star Wars?

Por favor, indique quais partes da sua resposta são Legends ou atual (Disney) cânon.

por Jack 29.08.2017 / 07:58

1 resposta

A relatividade em alta velocidade existe dentro do Legends, mas é acenada à mão com o uso de blindagem relativística

WOZIN, DELEMEDE - To look at him, you'd swear he wasn't a day over 35 standard years old, but Bosbit Matarcher's birth records confirm the unthinkable - he's 225 years old. His secret? Faulty relativistic shielding. "I got what I thought was a deal on this ship," says Matarcher, pointing to his antique Delemedian starhopper. "I engaged the jump drive for a trip in outsystem. It took about two hours. When I got out, it was 200 years later." Matarcher is taking it all in stride. "Well, truth to tell, when I left, home was pretty shoddy and run down, but now Delemede is a thriving place. I can't wait to get back, but this time I'll fly transit."

Holonet Article: 225-year Old Man's Secret? Time Dilation

29.08.2017 / 08:53