In Sunshine (2007) sobre o que é essa cara piscando?


Durante a observação de Luz do Sol (2007), notei um rosto piscando (aproximadamente 49'39 "), quando membros da tripulação estavam se movendo na placa Icarus I :

O que é isso?

por Vitalii Zurian 02.01.2013 / 18:27

1 resposta

The flashing images were of the Icarus I crew members. While searching Icarus I, Searle comes across the photo of the crew members wearing Hawaiian shirts (similar to the photo of the Icarus II crew members, who were wearing Santa hats).

The similar photos of the two crews hint that what caused the Icarus I from accomplishing its mission is what is happening to the crew of the Icarus II.

Fonte: link

02.01.2013 / 18:39