A gravidez de Susie Greene já foi resolvida?


No episódio 3 da temporada Nanny From Hell , Jeff diz a Larry que Susie está grávida, então Larry tenta convencer os Greenes a contratar uma babá que ele conhece. A gravidez nunca é mencionada depois daquele episódio, até onde eu sei. Eu senti falta de algo?

por toryan 02.07.2013 / 22:05

1 resposta

A gravidez de Susie Greene é referida, obliquamente, em apenas um episódio subsequente. A atriz, Susie Essman, descreveu a situação em uma entrevista para Something Jewish :

In series two, we're told Susie is pregnant but we never see a baby – what happened?

It was never mentioned again. There are so many inconsistences in the show. The only reason he had me pregnant was because of the episode where I fall out of a window on to a pile of sponge cakes. Then it was never mentioned again. The next season we make one little reference to it, in the episode with the studded sweatshirts, I made a reference to the fact that I loved designing clothes out of my own home because it was easy with the new baby. But it has never been discussed since.

O episódio de camisas com tachinhas era " Festa de aniversário do Ben

The thing that's so great about these shirts is that I've got the business from the house and I can take care of the baby.

03.07.2013 / 16:54