Como Jame Gumb conseguiu morar na casa da Sra. Lippman?

Em O Silêncio dos Inocentes, o assassino em série Jame Gumb está morando na casa da sra. Lippman, onde ele mantém suas vítimas, depois de tê-la assassinado (e, aparentemente, nem se deu ao trabalho de se desfazer de seu corpo).

Como ele veio para assumir a casa dela? Seus parentes, costureiras ou policiais não teriam feito uma visita quando ela desaparecesse?

por lauren96 08.02.2018 / 21:36

2 respostas

No romance O Silêncio dos Inocentes em que o filme é baseado, no Capítulo 59, onde o autor apresenta algumas informações básicas sobre o Jame Gumb

Reporters pieced together his history, beginning with the records of Sacramento County:
     Years ago, when Dr. Lecter was declared insane, the therapy-session tapes had been turned over to the families of the victims to be destroyed. [...]. When the relatives called the lawyer Everett Yow and threatened to use the tapes in a renewed assault on Raspail’s will, Yow called Clarice Starling.
     The tapes include the final session, when Lecter killed Raspail. More important, they reveal how much Raspail told Lecter about Jame Gumb:
     Raspail told Dr. Lecter that Gumb was obsessed with moths, that he had flayed people in the past, that he had killed Klaus, that he had a job with the Mr. Hide leather-goods company in Calumet City, but was taking money from an old lady in Belvedere, Ohio, who had made linings for Mr. Hide, Inc. One day Gumb would take everything the old lady had, Raspail predicted.
     “When Lecter read that the first victim was from Belvedere and she was flayed, he knew who was doing it,” Crawford told Starling as they listened together to the tape. “He’d have given you Gumb and looked like a genius if Chilton had stayed out of it.”
     “He hinted to me by writing in the file that the sites were too random,” Starling said. “And in Memphis he asked me if I sew. What did he want to happen?”
     “He wanted to amuse himself,” Crawford said. “He’s been amusing himself for a long, long time.”
     No tape of Jame Gumb was ever found, and his activities in the years after Raspail’s death were established piecemeal through business correspondence, gas receipts, interviews with boutique owners.
     When Mrs. Lippman died on a trip to Florida with Gumb, he inherited everything—the old building with its living quarters and empty storefront and vast basement, and a comfortable amount of money. He stopped working for Mr. Hide, but maintained an apartment in Calumet City for a while, and used the business address to receive packages in the John Grant name.

08.02.2018 / 23:48

O script tem informações adicionais que Gumb tirou sobre a casa, quando se supunha que a Sra. Lippman se mudou para a Flórida e morreu lá dois anos antes.

Clarice está conversando com uma das amigas de Fredrica Bimmel (a primeira vítima), Stacy ... que lhe diz que a Sra. Lippman morreu.

         She died. She went to Florida to 
         retire, like two years ago? She died 
         down there.

Esta linha é omitida do filme embora ... mas há um diálogo no filme que cobre o mesmo assunto.

Clarice: I'm looking for Mrs. Lippman's family.

Gumb: No. The Lippmans don't live here anymore.

[Omitted]...Conversation about why Clarice is there and whether he knew Frederica

Gumb: Mrs. Lippman had a son. Maybe he could help you. I got his card in here someplace. Do you want to come in while I look for it?

[More omitted]...

Clarice: Did you take over this place after Mrs. Lippman died? Is that right?

Gumb: Yeah. I bought this house two years ago.

Portanto, é evidente que não havia nada de suspeito sobre o desaparecimento da Sra. Lippman (supondo que fosse de fato ela na banheira, e não sabemos o que é).

Todos achavam que ela tinha ido para a Flórida para se aposentar.

08.02.2018 / 22:10