História sobre pessoa / alien manipulando o mercado de ações


Vimos esta resposta em esta questão e tendo lido a resposta pensei que eu iria postar aqui para ver se alguém pode identificar a história.

A man crash lands on the earth and must acquire tremendous wealth to rebuild his ship. First he clones himself to improve his abilities and earns a small amount of money. He then "invents" things and grows his wealth by buying stocks on margin and by shorting stocks (for example, shorts ford, invents new car. Ford stock drops. Then he buys ford on margin, sells his invention to ford. Ford stock goes up. Then he rotates through several different industries, later inventing a much better car, repeats the cycle. Broke down the soviet union by loading up obsolete hovercars with obsolete consumer goods and sending them by auto pilot over the border.

por EdHunter 25.07.2016 / 14:58

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