As armas Transformativas podem alterar o tipo de dano.
Entre as habilidades especiais de arma mágica no Pathfinder, nenhuma deles permitem que você mude o material de uma arma ao comando. Algumas habilidades especiais (por exemplo, grayflame ) permite que a arma supere certo DR material, mas na verdade eles não mudam o material da arma.
Quanto ao tipo de dano, uma transformativa pode ser comandada para ser remodelada em uma arma corpo a corpo de tamanho similar, mesmo que a nova forma tenha um tipo de dano diferente. A arma mantém essa nova forma até que não seja atendida.
This special ability can only be placed on melee weapons. A transformative weapon alters its shape at its wielder’s command, becoming any other melee weapon of the same general shape and handedness; the weapon’s categorization as simple, martial, or exotic is irrelevant. For example, a Medium transformative longsword can take the shape of any other Medium one-handed melee weapon, such as a scimitar, flail, or trident [...]
The weapon retains all of its abilities, including enhancement bonuses and weapon special abilities, except those prohibited by its current shape. For example, a keen transformative weapon functions normally in the form of a piercing or slashing weapon, but cannot use the keen special ability when in the shape of a bludgeoning weapon. When unattended, the weapon reverts to its true shape.
O maior transformador A capacidade é semelhante, mas com menos restrições.
A greater transformative weapon becomes any other weapon the wielder desires when a command word is spoken. The weapon cannot become ammunition, but can freely change between simple, martial, exotic, light, one-handed, two-handed, melee, and ranged. The weapon retains all of its enhancement bonuses and weapon special abilities.
However, abilities prohibited by its current shape do not function. [...] When unattended for 1 day, the weapon reverts to its true shape.