No Contos Inacabados de Numenor e Terra-média Capítulo IV: A História de Galadriel e Celeborn , vemos a reação de Sauron a Celebrimbor se rebelando contra a "ajuda" de Sauron e escondendo os anéis élficos ( ênfase minha ):
When Sauron learned of the repentance an revolt of Celebrimbor his disguise fell an his wrath was revealed; and gathering a great force he moved over Calenardhon (Rohan) to the invasion of Eriador in the year 1695.
At last the attackers broke into Eregion with ruin and devastation, and capture the chief object of Sauron's assault, the House of the Mirdain, where were their smithies and their treasures. Celebrimbor, desperate, himself withstood Sauron on the steps of the great door of the Mirdain; but he was grappled and taken captive, and the House was ransacked. There Sauron took the Nine Rings and other lesser works of the Mirdain; but the Seven and the Three he could not fin. Then Celebrimbor was put to torment, and Sauron learned from him where the Seven were bestowed. This Celebrimbor revealed, because neither the Seven nor the Nine did he value as he valued the Three; the Seven and the Nine were made with Sauron's aid, whereas the Three were made by Celebrimbor alone, with a different power an purpose.
Concerning the Three Rings Sauron could learn nothing from Celebrimbor; and he had him put to death.
Por isso, não diz especificamente que Sauron matou pessoalmente Celebrimbor, mas ele pessoalmente lutou contra ele em Eregion. Então, isso, pelo menos, é uma parte precisa da história de Shadow of Mordor, embora o momento de sua morte nos eventos do jogo pareça estar errado. De acordo com o Wiki do Senhor dos Anéis , Celebrimbor não morreu até a SA 1697, então ele foi aparentemente torturado por um longo tempo. tempo.