Existe uma evidência no universo que reflete que Clark Kent é metodista (em oposição a outras denominações)?


Como por Elliot S! Notas de Maggin, Clark Kent é metodista.

Existe uma clara reflexão do canon no universo disso?

QUALQUER canon é OK, quadrinhos, TV, animação.

Eu estou bem com qualquer tipo de apoio, seja no diálogo, ou alguma arte (por exemplo, Clark saindo de uma igreja a que ele está inclinado a pertencer e que é inequivocamente metodista?).

por DVK-on-Ahch-To 23.10.2012 / 20:41

1 resposta

Sim, muita evidência .

Aqui estão alguns trechos:

Clark Kent was raised as a Methodist. While growing up in Smallville, Kansas, Clark Kent attended Sunday church services at the local Methodist church with his mother, Martha Kent, every week until he was fourteen years old. These aspects of the character are not speculative, but are canonical - established by in-continuity published DC Comics. Action Comics #850 (August 2007), for example, identifies Methodism by name as the denomination that Clark Kent and his mother attended.

Observe a igreja evidente no fundo.

... For example, popular comic book writer Mark Millar (Superman Adventures; Superman: Red Son) has written that Superman is a Methodist. Curt Swan, one of the best-known and most influential Superman artists, was raised Presbyterian but also attended Methodist churches while growing up (see: http://theages.superman.ws/swan.php). With the publication of Action Comics #850 in June 2007, the Methodist denominational affiliation of the Kent family was explicitly and overtly established, if it had not already been so.

E de um dos escritores:

BRUCE BACHAND [interviewer]: Do you see Superman as a man who prays and/or worships God regularly? If so, what would the Man of Steel pray about from your perspective?

Elliot S! Maggin: I give all my characters religions. I think I always have. It's part of the backstory. It's part of the process of getting to know a character well enough to write about him or her. ..... Luthor is Jewish (though non-observant, thank heaven). .... Clark - like the Kents - is Methodist. Superman is something else, but I never did buy all that Kryptonian "Great Rao" nonsense......
Published in Fanzing (The Independent Online DC Comics Fan Magazine) Issue #9, August 1998 (http://www.fanzing.com/mag/fanzing09/iview.shtml; viewed 6 December 2005):

A evidência do link continua, mas deve ser bastante sólido agora que o Superman é Metodista,

23.10.2012 / 21:06