Como o líder Snoke entra na sala?


Em A Força Desperta,

We only see projections of Leader Snoke in a room in which he interacts with Kylo Ren. Leader Snoke's physical body is on some other planet. Not in the room.

Então, como o líder Snoke entra na sala?

Does he use the Force to bend space and blend his consciousness into the room? Or does he use technology in the form of a holoprojector of some sort?

por CodeMed 22.12.2015 / 07:30

1 resposta

Snoke usa um holograma.

Ele usa um holograma para se comunicar remotamente com Kylo Ren e General Hux. Até vemos um pouco de poeira cair do teto e interromper um pouco a projeção.

CANON: A novelização de Alan Dean Foster diz

Seated on the raised platform that was the focus of the chamber was the blue-tinted holo of Supreme Leader Snoke.

-Chapter 10

E o Star Wars: O Despertar da Força Visual Dictionary diz

Snoke's whereabouts are currently unknown as all his known appearances have been done via enlarged hologram, and he keeps his command centre mobile, so as to not be tracked.

-page 68

Esta página menciona o holograma também.

His hologram used on the Starkiller base projected him several times larger (around 25 feet) than his natural appearance, towering over Kylo Ren and General Hux.

A cena espelha de perto uma cena similar em The Empire Strikes Back em que Vader e Palpatine também se comunicam via holograma.

22.12.2015 / 07:47