É Nagash mais jovem que Thutep?


Estou lendo Rise of Nagash de Mike Lee.

Em O Elixir da Vida aprendemos sobre o irmão de Nagash, Thutep:

It was not so much the act of removing Thutep that was so abhorrent, for the young king had been widely viewed as foolish and naive, but the fact that Nagash had violated the covenant of the gods by claiming the crown. As firstborn, his life belonged to the gods, and thus he had set a dangerous precedent that the other kings could not abide.

Em New Beginnings , o fantasma de Thutep assombra Nagash:

Usurpation is not a right, brother.

Thutep stood at the crest of the ridge, his face turned towards the moon hanging low overhead. His older brother seemed damnably at peace, staring up at Neru's beaming face.

A ênfase ousada é minha em ambas as citações.

A minha pergunta é: qual dos irmãos é o mais velho? Ou o New Beginnings é um erro da parte do autor?

P. Eu acredito que Nagash é o mais velho, pois sua usurpação é uma das razões pelas quais os outros reis se levantam contra ele.

por Accio_Answer 16.03.2018 / 21:08

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