Um russo precisa de um visto separado da Nova Zelândia para um cruzeiro que atraca na Nova Zelândia?


Eu sou um cidadão russo. No momento, obtive um visto de turista australiano para fazer um cruzeiro. A viagem começa em Sydney e o navio atracará nos portos da Nova Zelândia.

Preciso de um visto para a Nova Zelândia?

por Anup 26.01.2017 / 05:40

1 resposta

Supondo que você não estará lá por mais de 28 dias e sairá com a embarcação quando ela sair, sem necessidade de visto:

You must have a valid passport

You must have a passport that is valid for three months after the date you intend to leave New Zealand.

Deemed to hold a visa

If you are a passenger or a crew member of a cruise ship in New Zealand you are deemed to hold a visitor or work visa for 28 days from arrival, or until the ship leaves (whichever occurs first).

If you leave the ship and stay on in New Zealand, you must obtain a further visa. You must apply for the visa before the expiry of your deemed visa by completing a passenger arrival card and presenting it to a New Zealand Customs officer.

If you remain in New Zealand and you do not have a current visa you will be here unlawfully, and you may be deported.

Only passengers and crew who arrive on the ship will be deemed to hold a visa. If you fly into New Zealand to join the ship you must apply for a visa in the normal way.

De IMIGRAÇÃO Nova Zelândia .

26.01.2017 / 05:47