Harry Potter Azkaban Fanfiction


Estou procurando uma história de fan fiction em que Harry Potter é erroneamente enviado para Azkaban por um crime que ele não fez.

Ninguém acredita nele, exceto Fred e Jorge, que em algum momento tentaram invadir Azkaban para libertá-lo. Novas evidências vêm à luz e Dumbledore diz a todos que Harry é inocente. Eles trazem Harry de volta ao Largo Grimmauld e ele é basicamente catatônico, mas acaba acordando. Quando ele está de volta a ser são, Dumbledore imediatamente quer que Harry ajude a parar Voldemort, já que ele é o Menino-que-Sobreviveu, exceto que Harry não quer fazer parte disso. Sirius está vivo também.

Fred e George levam Harry para a loja deles no Beco Diagonal, onde moram e o ajudam.

A parte principal desta história é que Fred e Jorge ajudam Harry. Eles acreditavam em sua inocência todo esse tempo e agora que eles estavam certos, eles não estão muito felizes com Dumbledore e a Ordem.

Depois que os gêmeos o ajudam a sair do Largo Grimmauld, Harry corre até os gêmeos Prewett e então descobrimos que eles sobreviveram à primeira guerra com perda de memória e um deles é casado com crianças e Harry se torna amigo da filha. enquanto ela está freqüentando Hogwarts e um dos filhos realmente não gosta de Harry e o outro quer ser corajoso e lutar como ele. Eu me lembro dele dizendo em um ponto que ele não tinha certeza se Harry possuía "bravura ou estupidez".

Há toda essa cena onde os Comensais da Morte atacam a Estação Kings Cross e Harry os leva para longe. Quando os irmãos Prewett os alcançam, um deles repreende Harry por fazer algo tão estúpido e Harry vai embora e acaba em um ponto de ônibus (acho?), Tendo zoneado de novo (ele está fazendo isso desde a sua libertação de Azkaban). ). Quando os gêmeos de Prewett dizem aos gêmeos Weasley o que aconteceu, George grita com eles por fazer Harry fugir.

Eu me lembro muito dessa história, mas não consigo encontrar em nenhum lugar. Por favor ajude?

por Sayuri_Sentry 09.05.2018 / 22:46

1 resposta

Acredito que isso possa ser " Road to Recovery " da cywsaphyre. Tem Harry Potter recuperado de Azkaban no começo da fic, catatônico. Sirius está vivo. Os gêmeos realmente tentaram tirar Harry de Azkaban e depois levá-lo para a loja deles. E Harry se conecta com os Prewetts e seus filhos, em particular a Lily, a mais nova.

Este é o resumo da página:

Since turning fifteen, Harry has spent seven years in Azkaban. Now that his innocence has finally been proven and he is released, what will it take to get the former Harry back? Will they ever be able to? And what happens with Voldemort now? AU.

O bit relevante de onde os gêmeos descrevem tentando separá-lo .

They fell silent when Harry finally put aside the empty bowl, observing him anxiously. Harry looked back at them, resting an arm on a raised knee.

"You really tried... to break me out?" Harry asked at last.

George exchanged a glance with his twin. "Well yeah," He nodded, leaning forward a little. "You weren't supposed to be in there."

Fred looked rueful as he flopped onto his back. "Didn't work though, and we couldn't try again. We weighed our chances of course, but the probability of getting caught was too high."

A cena em que ele conhece os Prewetts :

"Definitely," Harry hesitated for a second before smiling a little awkwardly. "And... we're kind of friends already, aren't we?"

Lily beamed at him, and Harry wondered at the ease in which children accepted things. "Yeah, we are!"

"Exactly, and you haven't even left the station yet," Harry grinned again when Lily's light brown eyes brightened. Harry could swear he had seen them before.

He rose to his full height again, only to blink and turn when Lily's gaze strayed behind him and she started waving excitedly. "Dad! And Uncle Gideon too!"

Harry was very, very careful not to let his jaw drop. A detached part of his mind realized instantly why the little girl was so familiar to him as he looked up to meet two pairs of brown eyes.

He had never even seen a picture of Fabian and Gideon Prewett, but they could be no one else because their smiles reminded him of Molly Weasley and the mischievous gleam in their eyes reminded him of the twins.

E, de fato, eles tiveram problemas com perda de memória e um deles se casou.

Fabian's jaw tightened. "I had amnesia, Fred. I couldn't remember anything but my first name and Gideon. The Muggle police helped me get set up with a flat and some money, and then I found a job and waited for Gideon to wake up. I lived under the surname Purcell. Knew it had something to do with a 'P'."

"And I did," Gideon took up the story. "Wake up, that is. Obviously. Thing was, I remembered everything. But by the time I came out of my coma, three and a half years had passed. The war was long over, and I had an amnesic brother on my hands." He paused, and then amended, "An amnesic brother with a Muggle fiancé. If we had simply shown up on Molly's doorstep like that, we would have scared her out of her wits. And Fabian not remembering anything about her would be like him dying all over again. It would've crushed her. So I thought we could wait. Just until Fabian got his memories back."

"I remembered everything two and a half years later," Fabian recalled gravely. "But by then, I was married and I had a kid. It was lucky Heather, my wife, accepted it easily enough, or I'd have been looking at a divorce." His smile turned fond. "She was quite fascinated by magic. Asked tons of questions about it, and when Aster, my oldest, started showing signs of accidental magic, she was ecstatic."

Há um ataque dos Comensais da Morte na Estação Kings Cross, mas é a narração que rotula as ações de Harry corajosa ou estúpido ':

"We can't just leave!" Harry said aloud, not looking away when the Death Eater holding onto the girl raised his wand in a taunting manner as a man who must have been her father threw himself forward, obviously begging for mercy. "The Aurors aren't going to get here in time!"

"Harry, I know how you feel but there's too many people," Fabian looked frustrated as even Heather had stopped urging everyone away to watch their exchange. "We start a fight and people are going to get killed."

Harry's eyes darted around the platform, taking in the many people jostling each other to get to the Apparition point first. A sudden calm fell over him as an idea came to him, strangely comforting in its sense of familiarity of impulsiveness.

Some would say it was brave; others would say it was plain stupid. But Harry's best plans had always been spur-of-the-moment ones, and with unexpected clarity, he knew it would work this time.

Encontrei isso na segunda página dos resultados de pesquisa do Google para harry potter fanfic azkaban pré-tweet .

10.05.2018 / 15:34
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