É a analogia da trama do livro de jogos de interface Point-and-Click. Para dar uma excelente descrição do conceito de "Overthinking It" 's Você está lá? , Deus? É-me, Mario! "(também conhecido como" Princípio Antrópico dos Video Games "):
In a P&C there’s a finite number of obtainable items in the world and limited combinations of or uses for items that will actually do anything. The trick is getting the right items and then doing the right things with them to accomplish the task at hand and progress to the next puzzle.
The P&C gameworld is one in which there’s a place for everything, and your job is to put everything in its place. Meaning that each object you encounter is there for a reason, and has its own utility and purpose that will go unfulfilled until you activate it with your human agency.
Como Joshua observou de maneira excelente, todas as tarefas da SS são projetadas dessa forma.