TL; Versão DR:
Não, nunca vemos a "verdadeira forma" do Coisa, se tiver uma . O diretor do The Thing (1982), John Carpenter, disse (em uma entrevista que eu não consigo encontrar no momento) que ele não sabe como a coisa naturalmente se pareceria. , se tivesse alguma "forma verdadeira" para começar. Seu produtor, Stuart Cohen, reforçou a afirmação de Carpenter de que pouco ou nenhum pensamento foi dado às origens do Thing, mas também especulou que o mais próximo que chegaram de revelar a "verdadeira forma" da Coisa foi na arte conceitual original da Blair-Thing. . Devido a problemas técnicos, bem como restrições financeiras e de tempo, essa arte conceitual nunca foi realmente realizada no filme final.
Ao contrário de Carpenter e Cohen, a equipe responsável pelo prequel de 2011 do mesmo nome deu considerável atenção ao passado de Thing. O roteirista Eric Heiserrer, o diretor Matthijs Van Heijningen e o estúdio de efeitos especiais Amalgamated Dynamics, Inc, apresentaram uma explicação de como o Thing veio para se encontrar na Terra. Uma raça alienígena, que a tripulação chamava de "Alien de Piloto", estava voando através da Galáxia coletando espécimes de diferentes espécies exóticas de vários planetas. Eles inadvertidamente coletaram uma Coisa, presumivelmente escondendo-se sob o disfarce de uma espécie mais inócua. Em algum momento, o Coisa escapou de sua unidade de contenção e rapidamente passou a assimilar todas as outras criaturas na espaçonave, uma a uma. O último sobrevivente não-assalariado foi o verdadeiro piloto do navio, e ele decidiu colidir com a espaçonave na esperança de destruir a Coisa antes que ela pudesse se espalhar para outros planetas. O piloto morreu no acidente, mas o Coisa sobreviveu, subiu dos destroços e se enterrou no gelo, esperando por algum tipo de forma de vida para encontrá-lo, momento em que poderia retomar seu processo de assimilação de tudo que encontrasse. / p>
Stuart Cohen, produtor do filme de 1982:
Q: Was there an idea as to the Thing's origins?
A: No, not really. Endless discussions about this with writers before John came on as director, almost none thereafter – for the purposes of this story, it really does not matter – think of the creature as the ultimate distillation of the Howard Hawks [producer of the 1951 version, The Thing From Another World] credo – a character defined by its actions, doing what it has to to survive…
Q: Was the "original" form of the thing ever shown in the film? Were there any bits and pieces that were "thing-original"? Was the "true" form ever planned to make an appearance?
A: The closest thing to a true form would have been the originally envisioned Blair monster, with bits and pieces of its many assimilations (as well as a partial Nauls) – most of this was jettisoned because of time and money.1
- Outpost 31
1 Arte conceitual e storyboards para Blair-Thing que não são usados, o que Cohen afirma ser a coisa mais próxima que nós teríamos visto na "verdadeira forma" da Coisa, se tinha feito no filme acabado. A arte conceitual vem do Posto Avançado 31 ; as páginas dos artigos digitalizados com os storyboards são de uma edição especial de < em> Cinemafantastique dedicado ao filme.
Descrição do final eliminado do prequel de 2011:
Director Matthijs Van Heijningen:
In the "Pilot Version", Kate walks in this room and sees a dead pilot hanging. He was the last pilot alive and Kate sees that he killed himself because his air pipe was cut (basically Colin in space). The back story was that this Alien pilot race collected specimens from different planets and The Thing was one of them, [but it] broke free and killed all the Alien species in the ship (pod room). I proposed to the studio a reshoot of a scene where Kate would wonder around in the ship and sees all the carnage caused by The Thing: an exterminated pilot alien race. The Thing, a specimen captured in a pod, broke free and killed the aliens on the ship. Or they killed each other not knowing who is who. The pilot in the pilot room kills himself and crashed the ship on Earth in the hope to stop The Thing. In the version I intended to shoot, the ship was steered by an Alien race and The Thing was a captive that broke free and killed everybody on board.
In [this] version, the pilot controlled the ship with tubes stuck in his back, operating the ship through those tubes. The pilot kills himself and crashes the ship on purpose, hoping that it would kill the Thing. Of course it doesn’t, it climbs out and freezes itself. So back to Kate. She sees the dead pilot and Sander, now has taken the form of the pilot (he has the genetics because of his spaceship slaughter fest 100.000 years before), has started up the ship. Sander attacks Kate in pilot form and corners Kate, who pulls her last grenade and threatens to blow them both up. That moment Carter runs in and sees what she is doing and blows up the sander Thing just to convince Kate that he is human. (he basically has no choice because he if fries Kate with his flamethrower everybody would blow up). Little complicated but we filmed this.”
(Quoted from the Facebook page of director Matthijs Van Heijningen)
- Thule Station
Tom Woodruff, Jr., e Alec Gillis, da Amalgamated Dynamics - o estúdio de efeitos especiais responsável pelos efeitos práticos (principalmente deletados) do prequel de 2011:
Q: Can you tell us about the original scenes that were shot in the Alien ship. How did you feel about these scenes being rewritten and reshot and were you involved in these reshoots?
A: The footage featured the discovery of a fossilized Pilot hanging in repose (which you now see as a big cylinder of fractured lit pixels) and a surprise reveal that another Pilot is alive and has been infected by the Thing. It dislodges from its pilot seat and approaches Kate and Carter rescues her by setting it on fire with his flame-thrower. It's a disappointment to have something that's taken a lot of creative work from a lot of creative people eliminated. It hasn't happened to us a lot but it's part of the business. I was also disappointed to have done a big burn stunt, playing the Pilot, to provide fire elements for an intended CG version and not have it be of use. We designed the Sanders Thing that replaced the Pilot beats, but all of the replacement work happened in post without our involvement.
- Outpost 31
O Alien Piloto:
Abaixo, vemos algumas fotos da escultura de Amalgamated Dynamics do Pilot Alien, do final original deletado para o prequel de 2011. Note que a aparência do Alien Piloto é vagamente modelada na descrição do Coisa na novela original de John W. Campbell, Who Goes There? , sobre a qual todo o filme de 1982 e seu antecessor, o filme de 1951 > A coisa de outro mundo , foram baseados. Entre outros detalhes, a Amalgamated Dynamics fez uso da descrição de Campbell da Coisa com três olhos vermelhos. A primeira foto mostra o Alien Piloto fossilizado mencionado por Alec Gillis e Tom Woodruff na última citação. Os outros mostram a coisa-piloto.
Vídeo Dynamics Amalgamated de Coisa Piloto: