Série de livros que meu pai me contou. Envolve viagens espaciais, clones e um povo indígena com caudas de canguru


Meu pai leu uma série de livros que ele me recomendou no ano passado. Agora que estou pronto para começar, nenhum de nós pode se lembrar do título. Ele disse que havia vários na série, mas ele não consegue se lembrar de quantos.

O livro é sobre viajar para um novo planeta, presumivelmente com o objetivo de colonizá-lo. A tripulação é clone que não tem memória. Eu acho que o objetivo era que as versões originais mais antigas dos clones transferissem suas consciências para os corpos dos clones para poderem viver no novo planeta, mas algo dá errado.

Há uma espécie nativa no planeta que é humanóide mas tem canguru como caudas.

A equipe do clone tem marcações neles que eles não entendem até tarde. Aparentemente, são marcas para indicar status ou papel no novo mundo. A pessoa que eles votaram como líder, revela-se, é marcada como uma classe servil ou escrava.

por Chris L 16.01.2019 / 04:42

1 resposta

Meu pai encontrou: A Trilogia Gerações de Scott Sigler:

  • Viva (2015)

    I open my eyes to darkness. Total darkness. I hear my own breathing, but nothing else. I lift my head…it thumps against something solid and unmoving. There is a board right in front of my face. No, not a board…a lid.

    A teenage girl awakens to find herself trapped in a coffin. She has no idea who she is, where she is, or how she got there. Fighting her way free brings little relief—she discovers only a room lined with caskets and a handful of equally mystified survivors. Beyond their room lies a corridor filled with bones and dust, but no people…and no answers.

    She knows only one thing about herself—her name, M. Savage, which was engraved on the foot of her coffin—yet she finds herself in charge. She is not the biggest among them, or the boldest, but for some reason the others trust her. Now, if they’re to have any chance, she must get them to trust one another.

    Whatever the truth is, she is determined to find it and confront it. If she has to lead, she will make sure they survive. Maybe there's a way out, a rational explanation, and a fighting chance against the dangers to come. Or maybe a reality they cannot comprehend lies just beyond the next turn.

  • Descer (2016)

    “If it’s war they want, they messed with the wrong girl.”

    M. Savage—or Em, as she is called—has made a bewildering and ominous discovery. She and the other young people she was chosen to lead awoke in strange coffins with no memory of their names or their pasts. They faced an empty, unknown place of twisting tunnels and human bones. With only one another to depend on, they searched for answers and found the truth about their terrifying fate. Confronted by a monstrous enemy, they vowed never to surrender—and, by any means, to survive.

    The planet Omeyocan may be the sanctuary Em and her comrades seek. But the planet for which they were created turns out not to be a pristine, virgin world. Vestiges of a lost civilization testify to a horrifying past that may yet repeat itself. And when a new enemy creeps from the jungle shadows, Em and her young refugees learn there’s nowhere left to run. They face a simple choice: fight or die.

    In the midst of this desperate struggle, their unity is compromised from within—and a dangerous zealot devoted to a bloodthirsty god moves to usurp Em’s command, threatening to lead them all down a path to violent doom.

  • Sozinho (2017)

    “We thought this place was our destiny—not our doom.”

    Pawns in a millennia-old struggle, the young people known only as the Birthday Children were genetically engineered to survive on the planet Omeyocan—but they were never meant to live there. They were made to be “overwritten,” their minds wiped and replaced by the consciousness of the monsters who created them.

    Em changed all of that.

    She unified her people and led a revolt against their creators. Em and her friends escaped an ancient ghost ship and fled to Omeyocan. They thought they would find an uninhabited paradise. Instead, they found the ruins of a massive city long since swallowed by the jungle. And they weren’t alone. The Birthday Children fought for survival against the elements, jungle wildlife, the “Grownups” who created them . . . and, as evil corrupted their numbers, even against themselves.

    With these opponents finally defeated, Em and her people realized that more threats were coming, traveling from across the universe to lay claim to their planet. The Birthday Children have prepared as best they can against this alien armada. Now, as the first ships reach orbit around Omeyocan, the final battle for the planet begins.

17.01.2019 / 19:15