Como um determinado personagem sobreviveu ao final da 6ª temporada? [spoilers]


Se você ainda não assistiu ao S07 E02, aqui estão spoilers ...

No final da 6ª temporada,

Eric is shown bursting into flames after Jason kills Warlow, thereby negating Eric's ability to safely "daywalk" after ingesting Warlow's fairy blood.

Assumimos o pior, mas eles sobrevivem na 7ª temporada.

Eu estou querendo saber como esse personagem conseguiu alcançar isso, especialmente considerando que

from what I can recall of past episodes, combustion seems to be almost instantaneous and irretrievably fatal, when a vamp is exposed to full broad daylight (as opposed to the slow and gradual hissing/smoking effect observed when some natural light feeds into a room through a window, etc.).

Tanto quanto me lembro, nenhuma explicação para isso foi fornecida dentro do show e somos deixados para especular como eles conseguiram.

Talvez minha memória de "como funciona" com base em episódios anteriores esteja errada, ou talvez tenha simplesmente perdido o ponto em que uma explicação razoável para a sobrevivência desse personagem foi dada. Seja qual for o caso, eu apreciaria algum tipo de resposta se estivesse lá fora!

Por favor, note, estou ciente da existência de

Por que vale a pena, aqui está a minha melhor hipótese para o momento:

It takes at least a few seconds before the vamp is fatally burned, and within those few seconds Eric was able to muster the strength and presence of mind to burrow into the snow and out of direct sunlight (though he must have had to dig in deep enough and fast enough that he was still sheltered even after immediately surrounding snow had melted from the heat of his body). Or, he could have dived under his sun-lounge, if the fabric was opaque enough to block out the light and didn't also catch alight. Another possible element of this is that even if there would NOT normally be a few seconds before the flames are fatal, maybe Warlow's blood was powerful enough that the fact he'd had it in his system for a few weeks/months etc. was sufficient to somewhat preserve his body for just that little bit longer before he would have been fatally affected.

Ansioso para ouvir as teorias de outras pessoas - obrigado! :)

por RuthP27 23.09.2014 / 09:50

1 resposta

Eric meio que explicou isso no episódio S07E04, "A morte não é o fim" :

“First I went home to Sweden, which was beautiful. But unfortunately, I triggered an avalanche that killed an entire ski village. Things got a little hectic after that.”

De lá, é simples deduzir que ele se salvou

by diving in to the snow, which caused said avalanche.

23.09.2014 / 10:30
