Algum desses pontos de plotagem em Batman v Superman tem precedentes nos quadrinhos?


Então, Batman v Superman me deixou ... cansado. Além das outras falhas do filme, houve dois pontos que achei difícil de engolir. Ambos são da mesma coisa, então estou pensando se eles têm um precedente baseado em história em quadrinhos, ou se é apenas algo que o WB tirou do departamento de marketing para tocar o maior número de participações possíveis.

O primeiro é

during Batman's dream sequence, Batman appears to be leading a resistance against a Superman cult. This really isn't out of tone with the movie, as it frames a possible religion being built around the man. Unfortunately, the para-demon like background goons and the Ω symbol burned into the ground hint at Darkseid being a player in this dream sequence. Last I checked, Bruce Wayne wasn't also Paul Maud'dib. Have there been any comic examples of him having prescient dreams before?

O segundo é

shortly after this dream sequence, we go to another dream sequence in which the Flash appears before Bruce Wayne in a time-rift-looking thing to give Bruce vital plot-pertinent information. This in and of itself is nothing new, but it ALSO appears in a dream sequence. Again, this points to Bruce Wayne being able to dream of things he has never encountered before, unless the Flash has a new power to invade someone's dreams.

por Sidney 31.03.2016 / 16:43

1 resposta

A resposta para a sua primeira pergunta é: não, eu não encontrei nada que sugira que Bruce Wayne / Batman tenha tido alguma premonição ou habilidade psíquica.

Para a segunda pergunta: Jay Oliva não é estranho para o universo DC e um artista de storyboard para B v S, diz Estas são memórias futuras causadas por um "Time Boom" da viagem de Barry através do tempo.

"You want to know the answer? Okay... you've watched The Flashpoint Paradox, my movie, right? In the DC Universe in the comics, there's this thing where-- it's a little different than the Back to The Future thing where you can go back in time and change your threads and stuff, but in DC, when you go back in time you create this kind of 'Time Boom' kind of thing where lots of things change.

"Okay, so let me just tell you this. Again... I don't know if this is Zack's thinking, but this is mine: what if that isn't a dream sequence? What if what you saw was a Time Boom, a latent memory from the future when Flash comes back? If you look at the cut, he doesn't go to sleep! He's waiting for the [Lexcorp file decryption] and suddenly this [Knightmare sequence] comes in, and he's jogged out of it seeing his own death. And what does he see? He sees Flash. And if you're a DC fan, you know what's happening. You know that Flash going back in time, that memory is now coming back to him... mind you, it's jumbled." - screenrant

03.10.2018 / 23:13