Quão longe na costa leste eles entraram em The Chrysalids de John Wyndham?


As Chrysalids de John Wyndham estão em

post-nuclear Newfoundland.

As pessoas de Labrador são descritas como se aventurando ao longo da costa.

Existe alguma coisa que nos dê uma dica de quão longe na costa eles foram?

Temos descrições de como a NYC deve se assemelhar?

por BigDataLouie 09.03.2017 / 23:04

2 respostas

América Central

É strongmente sugerido que as equipes mais aventureiras cheguem à América Central e ao Caribe, possivelmente até mesmo à América do Sul.

Como o tio de David, Axel, relata:

And yet it can't always have been like that because there was one ship whose captain was foolhardy enough to sail close inshore. Her crew were able to make out great stone ruins. They were all agreed that they were far too regular to be natural, and they thought they might be the remains of one of the Old People's cities. But nobody knows any more about them. Most of the men in that ship wasted away and died, and the rest were never the same afterwards, so no other ship has risked keeping close in.

For hundreds of miles the coast goes on being Badlands with stretches of the dead, black lands; so far, in fact, that the first ships down there gave up and turned about because they thought they would never reach any place where they could water and provision. They came back saying that they thought it must go on like that to the ends of the earth.


In the middle of all the fuss, however, a ship called the Venture which had long been given up for lost, came sailing home to Rigo. She was battered and undermanned, her canvas was patched, her mizzen jury-rigged, and her condition foul, but she triumphantly claimed the honour of being the first to reach the lands beyond the Black Coasts. She brought back a number of objects including gold and silver and copper ornaments, and a cargo of spices to prove it. The evidence had to be accepted, but there was a lot of trouble over the spices, for there was no means of telling whether they were deviational, or the product of a pure strain. Strict churchgoers refused to touch them for fear they might be tainted; other people preferred to believe that they were the kind of spices referred to in the Bible. Whatever they were, they are profitable enough now for ships to sail south in search of them.


You'll find islands where the people are all thickset, and others where they're thin; there are even said to be some islands where both the men and women would be passed as true images if it weren't that some strange deviation has turned them all completely black -- though even that's easier to believe than the one about a race of Deviations that has dwindled to two feet high, grown fur and a tail, and taken to living in trees.

The Chrysalids, chapter 6.

As ilhas onde as pessoas são "completamente negras" podem ser algumas das ilhas do Caribe. Como o tio Axel os descreve, eles parecem estar nas bordas mais distantes de onde os navios labradorianos navegaram. As especiarias trazidas por esses navios podem facilmente vir de países do Caribe ou da América Central.

Navios que chegam (também) perto da costa, vêem "grandes ruínas de pedra" as ruínas das cidades, consideradas "as ruínas de uma das cidades do Velho". Então, embora não haja uma descrição específica da cidade de Nova York, é seguro assumir que ela está em ruínas.

A "raça de desvios que diminuiu para dois pés de altura, cresceu pêlo e uma cauda, e levado para viver em árvores" soa como uma descrição precisa de macacos do novo mundo , encontrados na América Central e do Sul.

10.03.2017 / 09:10

Eles parecem ser viagens regulares até o sul da Nova Escócia. Alguns exploradores viajaram mais para o sul (possivelmente até a Costa Oeste dos Estados Unidos e até mesmo para a América do Sul), onde testemunharam tocos brilhantes de cidades e sofreram intoxicação por radiação ao longo das "costas negras".

A implicação parece ser que Nova York e as cidades costeiras ocidentais foram quase totalmente destruídas em um holocausto nuclear.

The Black Coasts would appear to be an extreme form of Badlands. Since any close approach to them is likely to be fatal nothing can be said of them with certainty but that they are entirely barren, and in some regions are known to glow dimly on a dark night.


‘Uncle Axel, are there any cities there?’
‘Cities?’ he repeated. ‘Well, here and there you’ll find a town, of a kind. As big as Kentak, maybe, but built differently.’
‘No,’ I told him. ‘I mean big places.’ I described the city in my dream, but without telling him it was a dream.
He looked at me oddly. ‘No, I never heard of any place like that,’
he told me. ‘Farther on, perhaps. Farther than you went?’ I suggested.
He shook his head. ‘You can’t go farther on. The sea gets full of weed. Masses of weed with stems like cables. A ship can’t make her way through it, and it’s trouble enough to get clear of it once you get in it at all.’


‘This is a dreadful country indeed. We have seen Badlands before, but none of us has ever imagined anything quite so terrible as this. There are stretches, miles across, where it looks as if all the ground has been fused into black glass; there is nothing else, nothing but the glass like a frozen ocean of ink… then belts of Badlands… then another wilderness of black glass. It goes on and on… What did they do here? What can they have done to create such a frightful place?… No wonder none of us ever came this way before. It’s like going over the rim of the world, into the outskirts of hell… it must be utterly beyond hope, barred to any kind of life for ever and ever… But why? – why? – why?… There was the power of gods in the hands of children, we know: but were they mad children, all of them quite mad?… The mountains are cinders and the plains are black glass – still, after centuries!… It is so dreary… dreary… a monstrous madness… It is frightening to think that a whole race could go insane…. If we did not know that you are on the other side of it we should have turned back and fled—’

Passado o Badlands, como a SQB observou em sua resposta são áreas em que há pessoas com pele negra e o que parece ser primatas. Não está claro se isso é a América do Sul ou a América do Sul ou o Caribe, mas é descrito como sendo encontrado depois de "centenas de quilômetros" de costa enegrecida.

For hundreds of miles the coast goes on being Badlands with stretches of the dead, black lands; so far, in fact, that the first ships down there gave up and turned about because they thought they would never reach any place where they could water and provision. They came back saying that they thought it must go on like that to the ends of the earth.

09.03.2017 / 23:48