Estes são descritos em Leviathan Wakes como " drogas de foco ". Eles aparentemente dão ao usuário a capacidade de avaliar com precisão o estado mental daqueles que estão observando através de suas microexpressões.
Lopez reached into his pocket, took out a small packet of white lozenges, and popped one into his mouth. He didn’t offer one to Holden. Lopez’s pupils contracted to tiny points as he sucked the lozenge. Focus drugs. He’d be watching every tic of Holden’s face during questioning. Tough to lie to.
No que diz respeito ao programa de TV, este detalhe foi explicitamente confirmado pelo produtor Mark Fergus em entrevista ao SyFyWire. Ele se refere a eles como " pílulas de foco "
What's the deal with the pill the Martian interrogator takes before talking to the Cant crew members?
It’s a focus pill. It heightens the senses to the point of being able to hear your subject’s heart-beat and discern the micro-twitches in their face and eyes, indicating whether they are lying or telling the truth. The focus pill is lifted straight from the novel.
The Expanse Executive producer Mark Fergus on Episode 3: Belter-speak, pace, and planetary politics