“Senhor, me dê força”


Mais sobre rec.arts.sf.written esta pergunta foi feita sem resposta. Alguém?

I’m looking for a story ID. I read it many years ago, and it wasn’t new then. Basic plot: we have a wildly, wildly, WILDLY popular writer of religious songs who isn’t particularly religious herself but her fans think she is. Her latest hit has a name something along the lines of “Lord give me a baby”. It’s a very big hit. And suddenly she has a baby. No pregnancy. No father. No husband, ‘cause she ain’t married. Big problem if, when, her fans find out. And then other things start happening. It seems that she can get anything that she asks for, whether she really wants it or not, just by praying, which in her case means merely asking God for something. The story ends with her saying “Lord, give me strength” and the desk or table or whatever she’s holding starts to break up.

Anyone have any ideas as to what the name might be and who might have perpetuated it?

por Moriarty 08.01.2018 / 23:47

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