Os homens sem rosto e o banco de ferro estão conectados?


Ocorreu-me que tanto o Banco de Ferro quanto os Homens Sem Rosto são oriundos da cidade de Bravos.

É mencionado uma ou duas vezes nos livros que o banco de ferro financiou guerras para reis e rainhas em lutas passadas pelo poder.

This is further recently acknowledged in Season 7 of the show with Cersei's hire of the Golden Company with money borrowed from the Iron Bank.

Os assassinos conhecidos como Homens Sem Rosto também foram usados por várias razões políticas. Eles são até considerados para o assassinato de Daenerys. Uma das principais razões pelas quais eles não foram usados foi devido ao custo.

"On Braavos there is a society called the Faceless Men," Grand Maester Pycelle offered.

"Do you have any idea how costly they are?" Littlefinger complained. "You could hire an army of common sellswords for half the price, and that's for a merchant. I don't dare think what they might ask for a princess."

A Game of Thrones - Eddard VIII

Com essas duas coisas em mente, há alguma coisa que sugira que o Iron Bank e os Faceless Men estejam conectados de alguma forma? Eu suspeito que o Banco de Ferro possa ter ganho sua riqueza através dos ganhos dos Homens Sem Rosto e fazer cumprir as dívidas que lhes são devidas.

por Robert English 14.09.2017 / 17:15

1 resposta

Não há evidências que apoiem essa teoria, tanto nos livros quanto no programa.

Essas duas organizações, sem dúvida, são baseadas na mesma Cidade Livre, mas, além disso, não há nada que possa sugerir um envolvimento direto de uma nas atividades da outra.

O simples fato de que seus negócios, direta ou indiretamente, dizem respeito a grandes somas de ouro, não é uma prova de que eles compartilham interesses comuns ou que eles são associados de alguma forma: outros bancos são conhecidos como existindo nas outras Cidades Livres. bem, e até mesmo algumas Grandes Casas em Westeros, principalmente os Lannister, é claro, mas também os Tyrells, são conhecidos por serem muito bons.
Isso não significa que o Banco de Ferro , todos os outros bancos, o Faceless Men , os Lannisters e os Tyrells juntos são um "cartel" único, só porque são ricos.

É claro que nada impede que qualquer uma dessas partes faça negócios com a outra (como, por exemplo, Lannisters tomando dinheiro emprestado do Iron Bank), então é possível que o Iron Bank emprega o serviço de os Homens Sem Rosto nos casos mais desesperados, mas parece que geralmente é suficiente para eles agirem contra seus devedores apoiando seus inimigos:

Tycho Nestoris had impressed him as cultured and courteous, but the Iron Bank of Braavos had a fearsome reputation when collecting debts. Each of the Nine Free Cities had its bank, and some had more than one, fighting over every coin like dogs over a bone, but the Iron Bank was richer and more powerful than all the rest combined. When princes defaulted on their debts to lesser banks, ruined bankers sold their wives and children into slavery and opened their own veins. When princes failed to repay the Iron Bank, new princes sprang up from nowhere and took their thrones.
A Dance with Dragons - Jon IX

O Mundo do Gelo & Fogo forneça mais detalhes sobre o nascimento do Banco de Ferro, descartando qualquer envolvimento dos Homens Sem Rosto:

Braavos is also home to one of the most powerful banks in the world, whose roots stretch back to the beginnings of the city, when a few of the fugitives took to hiding such valuables as they had in an abandoned iron mine to keep them safe from thieves and pirates. As the city grew and prospered, the shafts and chambers of the mine began to fill. Rather than let their treasure sit idle in the earth, the wealthier Braavosi began to make loans to their less fortunate brethren.
Thus was born the Iron Bank of Braavos, whose renown (or infamy, to hear some tell it) now extends to every corner of the known world. Kings, princes, archons, triarchs, and merchants beyond count travel from the ends of the earth to seek loans from the heavily guarded vaults of the Iron Bank.
The World of Ice and Fire - The Free Cities: Braavos

Também há detalhes da gestão atual:

Archmaester Matthar's The Origins of the Iron Bank and Braavos provides one of the more detailed accounts of the bank's history and dealings, so far as they can be discovered; the bank is famous for its discretion and its secrecy. Matthar recounts that the founders of the Iron Bank numbered three-and-twenty; sixteen men and seven women, each of whom possessed a key to bank's great subterranean vaults. Their descendants, whose numbers now exceed one thousand, are known as keyholders to this day, though the keys they display proudly on formal occasions are now entirely ceremonial. Certain of the founding families of Braavos have declined over the centuries, and a few have lost their wealth entirely, yet even the meanest still cling to their keys and the honors that go with them.
The Iron Bank is not ruled by the keyholders alone, however. Some of the wealthiest and most powerful families in Braavos today are of more recent vintage, yet the heads of these houses own shares in the bank, sit on its secret councils, and have a voice in selecting the men who lead it. In Braavos, as many an outsider has observed, golden coins count for more than iron keys. The bank's envoys cross the world, oft upon the bank's own ships, and merchants, lords, and even kings treat with them almost as equals.
The World of Ice and Fire - The Free Cities: Braavos

14.09.2017 / 18:33