É factível, mas não é fácil. A menos que a aeronave tenha sido projetada com isso em mente, mesmo assim ela representa desafios. Um exemplo seria o Boeing 787 :
The two different engine models compatible with the 787 use a standard electrical interface to allow an aircraft to be fitted with either Rolls-Royce Trent 1000 or General Electric GEnx engines. This interchangeability aims to save time and cost when changing engine types; while previous aircraft could exchange engines for those of a different manufacturer, the high cost and time required made it rare.
O benefício da intercambiabilidade torna o aluguel de aeronaves mais fácil para o locador, já que sua frota seria compatível com todas as companhias aéreas e suas instalações existentes.
[Once] a plane has one type of jet engine under its wings, it’ll always have that type of engine. It’s just too time-consuming and expensive to swap out a Rolls-Royce in favor of a new General Electric.
This complicated the sale and leasing of jets. If Airline A wants to lease a plane from Airline B, but the two didn’t use the same kinds of engines, that usually would sink the deal (Source).
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