Cientistas / exploradores descobrem uma nave espacial na selva com ocupantes humanos


Eu (acho) me lembro de ter lido um conto ou novela cerca de 40 anos atrás que contava a história de cientistas / exploradores que descobrem uma nave espacial na selva.

Uma vez que eles são capazes de acessar o interior da nave, eles encontram humanos em vez de alienígenas, a implicação é que todos nós somos descendentes de seres alienígenas / espaço exterior.

Alguém se lembra de uma história como essa ou eu sonhei?

por Dennie 19.01.2015 / 00:21

2 respostas

Em As Sementes do Tempo de Kay Kenyon, uma espaçonave humana (ish) é encontrado overgrown por / cresceu em uma selva alienígena

Livro I Mudança Verde, cap. Beyond Eden:

She rose and turned to a ledge on the opposite bulkhead. Here, the odd colors of tan and white lay untouched by biotic growth. Barely visible tracery showed what Clio immediately recognized as star charts. She bent close to examine the lines and runes, but the dim light revealed little except, here and there, what might be a number. A recognizable number. Her eyes must be making things up. Too dim to be sure. She lifted the page and found others beneath it, but the top one crumbled, littering the next sheet with debris.
She turned to the instrumentation again, poking at the console, peeling a layer of moss from a small section. Her hand shook slightly as the thought took root. There are explorers in the universe. Like us. At least a little like us. Using her small utility knife, she dug into the panel itself, which gave way like the soft threads of banana skins. Beneath, green fuzzy wires looped methodically through a series of small, corrugated sections. As she scraped at them, clear, faceted protrusions sparkled. Though everything supported its growth of plant life, each ship component was strangely intact, each wire separately coated in Niang turquoise.

19.01.2015 / 01:36

Isso soa muito semelhante ao Sphere por Michael Chrichton. Existem diferenças embora. Em Sphere, a nave espacial está no fundo do oceano e é do futuro.

19.01.2015 / 00:51