Nome do estilo de arte em The Matrix


Eu sempre sou fascinado pelo estilo de arte das cenas em torno das casas abandonadas nos filmes Matrix.

Eu sei que no jogo de computador Kingpin , o ambiente é parecido.

Existe um nome para este estilo?

por Dennis Christian 27.05.2016 / 08:10

1 resposta

O designer de produção do filme descreve esses conjuntos como " angustiado " e " dilapidado ". It is impressive that they look aged.

Owen: Yes, that is a cross over into various areas of the department. Peter Collias, the scenic artist, was pulled in to age a lot of this stuff. With these sets we have a fortunate mix between contemporary society, which is the glass and steel of the Matrix world, and the world where the city has moved on, which the computer is ignoring because it is irrelevant to this particular time frame in the Matrix. It has a more dilapidated look, an aged look with rust and peeling wallpaper. For a lot of our sets, like in the Lafayette Hotel, we have had the opportunity to be able to distress the walls, carpets and curtains so that everything within them feels like a rotting, wet, urban, repulsive, maggotry.

27.05.2016 / 12:07