História de Stanislaw Lem: quanto mais distinto você é, menor é o seu nome


Estou tentando encontrar uma história de Stanislaw Lem para meu pai. Ele pensou que era intitulado "Cidadão O", mas parece não haver tal história. É sobre um mundo em que quanto mais distinto você é, mais curto é o seu nome. É tudo que sei, infelizmente.

por Tal 08.06.2016 / 15:29

1 resposta

Isto é do The Star Diaries de Lem, logo no início da Décima Terceira Viagem. Foi "Master Oh" , não "Citizen O".

[...] one of the most distinguished individuals in our Universe, Master Oh. [...] Children born on Fatamiasma recieve an enormous number of titles and distinctions as well as a name that is, by our standards, inordinately long.

The day Master Oh came into the world he was called Hridipidagnittusuoayomojorfnagrolliskipwikabeccopyxlbepurz. And duly dubbed Golden Buttress of Being, Doctor of Quintessential Benignity, Most Possibilistive Universatilitude, etc, etc. From year to year, as he studied and matured, the titles and syllables of his name were one by one removed, and since he gave evidence of uncommon abilities, by the thirty-third year of his life he was relieved of his last distinction, and two years later carried no title whatever, while his name was designated in the Fatamiasman alphabet by a single and - morover - voiceless letter, signifying "celestial aspirate" - this is a kind of stifled gasp which one gives from a surfeit of awe and rapture.

09.06.2016 / 07:23