Como Thanos derrotou Thor no começo da Guerra do Infinito?


Como Thanos foi capaz de derrotar Thor no começo de Avengers: Infinity War ? Ele usou a Power Stone?

por Michael Murphy 08.01.2019 / 23:02

2 respostas

Não claro.

A batalha inteira ficou de fora da tela, então não podemos ter certeza, mas há várias coisas que transformam as marés para o lado de Thanos.

He was defeated by Thanos, wielding the Power Stone, and Thanos’s children.

This whole battle is left offscreen, so we’re left to extrapolate from what we are shown. All we know is that they were defeated severely enough that half of the Asgardians were slaughtered (while the other half, with Valkyrie, Korg, and Miek, possibly escaped somehow), Heimdall was near mortally wounded, Thor was so wiped he couldn’t even move on his own, and Loki was restrained, only unharmed likely since he was one of Thanos’s former minions. Not to mention the Asgardian ship Statesman was blown nearly to pieces and on fire, to boot.

Since we see Thanos defeat Hulk, seemingly without much effort - and this without even using the Power Stone, if I remember correctly - this level of destruction doesn’t seem out of character. And if Thanos had used the Power Stone, capable of destroying whole planets, during this battle before Hulk came along, then unfortunately it’s not much of a surprise that he defeated the others so thoroughly. The Statesman, being filled with civilians and largely unarmed due to not being a warcraft, had little chance against him and the Black Order. I’m sure Thor and co. fought their absolute best, but in the end just couldn’t overpower Thanos and his children.
- How was Thor so badly beaten up between the end of Ragnarok and the beginning of Infinity War? - Quora

Então, com isso, a conclusão óbvia é que o poder da pedra do poder, combinado com o poder das crianças de Thanos, finalmente derrubou Thor e co.

09.01.2019 / 00:16

Eu imagino que foi porque Thor não estava no auge de seu poder, considerando o que aconteceu em Thor Ragnarok. Hela destruiu seu Mjolnir. E a batalha final deixou tanto ele quanto o Hulk fraco. A única opção que eles têm é libertar Surtur em Hela (e Asgard). Os sobreviventes foram reduzidos a refugiados em uma espaçonave enquanto Asgard é destruído.

Quando eles se deparam com Thanos, não é uma batalha, mas um abate.

31.01.2019 / 03:47