Por que JK Rowling escolheu o nome 'Harry'?


O título diz tudo, minha pergunta é, JK Rowling já comentou por que ela escolheu o nome Harry para seu personagem principal?

por Often Right 19.08.2015 / 02:58

2 respostas

Ela realmente gostou do nome. Rowling fez esta pergunta em uma entrevista ao vivo em 2000 no Scholastic.com ; sua resposta foi:

Question: From where did you get the name for Harry Potter?

Rowling: 'Harry' has always been my favourite boy's name, so if my daughter had been a son, he would have been Harry Rowling. Then I would have had to choose a different name for "Harry" in the books, because it would have been too cruel to name him after my own son. "Potter" was the surname of a family who used to live near me when I was seven years old and I always liked the name, so I borrowed it.

19.08.2015 / 03:28

Existe um personagem chamado Harry Potter no filme de 1986 "Troll" , que algumas pessoas reivindicação é de onde JK Rowling recebeu o nome originalmente.

O diretor John Buechler afirmou que inventou Harry Potter :

His producer partner Peter Davy said, “In John's opinion, he created the first Harry Potter. J.K. Rowling says the idea just came to her. John doesn't think so. There are a lot of similarities between the theme of her books and the original Troll. John was shocked when she came out with Harry Potter."

E o produtor Charles Band disse em uma entrevista que JKR pode ter sido inspirado por este filme:

It's bizarre, isn't it? You have a young boy named Harry Potter who discovers that he has magical powers and uses them to fight a troll.

"I've heard that JK Rowling has acknowledged that maybe she saw this low-budget movie and perhaps it inspired her. Who knows what the story is? Life's too short for a fight as far as I'm concerned but, having said that, there are certain scenes in that movie, not to mention the name of the main character, and this of course predates the Harry Potter books by many, many years. So there's that strange connection."

Esta resposta é wiki da comunidade, pois foi um esforço conjunto entre KH (que postou esta resposta mínima agora excluída) e eu (eu pesquisei e encontrei as citações acima após KH me colocar no filme). Originalmente editei a resposta de KH em vez de postar uma nova, mas minha edição foi revertida e a postagem excluída, então coloquei a informação aqui em vez disso.
13.04.2017 / 14:43