Procurando por livro sobre uma invasão alienígena e reaparecimento de elfos

Estou procurando por um livro ou conto sobre uma invasão alienígena da Terra e o reaparecimento dos elfos no mundo.

por Joseph Urbanek 01.09.2014 / 20:38

2 respostas

Em">"Interloper " (romance, publicado pela primeira vez em A Revista de Fantasia e Ficção Científica , abril de 1951 , disponível em Arquivo da Internet ) a Terra é secretamente governada e explorada por alienígenas de várias estrelas próximas

"Precisely what forms of exploitation are carried on here?" asked the Alf.

"Various ones, depending on the race," said Hraagung. "The Procyonites find Earthlings an excellent source of blood. The Altairians simply want to observe historical processes, as part of their project of mass-action study. The Arcturian economy depends on controlling the productive facilities of a great number of subject planets, skimming the cream off their industry and agriculture. We of Sirius find Earth a convenient military outpost and refueling station—also—" the thought was like a tiger licking its lips—"the natives serve other purposes."

que silenciosamente invadiu a terra nos tempos antigos.

"You must realize," thought Kane, almost conversationally, "that the exploitation of Earth is quite old. In fact, the first Vaettir arrived here—" he thought of a length of time which Beoric rendered as about four thousand years ago. "We began to colonize extensively about seven centuries ago, at which time the native civilization was less complex and it was very easy to pass oneself off as whatever one desired. Thus our organization is firmly established. Through the corporations we control on Earth, the governments which we influence—or run outright whenever it is necessary, through the old and highly reputable family connections of some of the Vaettir, through a number of other means which you can easily imagine, we can do exactly as we please, under the very noses of the natives." For a moment his iron features split in a grin. "The only ones who suspect that Earthlings are not their own property are labelled cranks—and generally the label is quite correct."

A história conta como os elfos lutam contra os alienígenas.

An arrow whined, and through blurring eyes Beoric saw the Denebian pitch forward with the feathered shaft through his breast. He saw his fellows, the warriors of the Alfar, coming through the door, and they had cast off their human coats and hats, they wore the golden-shining beryllium-copper helmets and byrnies of the old days, and they carried the old weapons. Longbow, spear, sword, ax, and a shrieking fury that clamored between the metal walls, the blood-howl for vengeance.

Depois de derrotar os alienígenas, os elfos planejam usar sua espaçonave para deixar a Terra e encontrar um novo lar entre as estrelas.

"It's strange," mused Beoric. "The aliens knew that they had caused most of the demon-myths of Earth. It did not occur to them that the myths of Faërie might also have an origin in reality. That I might be—an elf! That peris and nixies and kobolds and brownies and fairies and the sea people and all the rest might, in a way, really exist . . . And so man's old enemy, the shifty unreliable folk of the night, becomes in the end his saviour. And Alfheim changes from myth to—a real planet."

"Aye. And—well done, Beoric," said King Oberon.

01.09.2014 / 22:12

Esta pode ser a Commonwealth Saga de Peter F. Hamilton, composta por dois livros: Pandora's Star e Judas Unchained.

A invasão alienígena é de um grupo conhecido como Primes, após a descoberta (e desbloqueio) de seu mundo natal, e os "elfos" são uma espécie alienígena separada conhecida como Silfen.

01.09.2014 / 20:52