Procurando por um livro sobre uma enorme guerra com dragões


Eu tenho anos atrás li um livro sobre um mundo de fantasia onde duas grandes facções lutam em um cenário medieval, mas com dragões como força aérea. O personagem principal junta-se a um grupo de cavaleiros de dragões que viajam como uma espécie de circo antes de se juntar a uma unidade militar de cavaleiros de dragões e ir à guerra. O livro fazia parte de uma série de pelo menos 2-3 livros e lembro que gostei muito. Não me lembro o título exato embora (embora eu tenha certeza que tinha "dragão").

Não é a série Naomi Novik sobre os napoleons drakes.

Alguém pode me ajudar a encontrar?

por CodeO 16.05.2017 / 18:14

4 respostas

Eu nunca teria pensado que existem tantos livros que correspondem à minha descrição. Eu finalmente encontrei o livro que eu estava procurando:

é a Dragonmaster Series de Chris Bunch , que inclui Storm of Wings (2002), Cavalaria do Dragão (2003), e A Última Batalha (2004).

Dragonmaster is an action trilogy following the life and exploits of Hal Kailas, a peasant who left home at an early age. During his early years Hal must work as a casual laborer. His dream is to fly dragons, so he joins a traveling troupe who give rides on dragons as entertainment from town to town. Hal is away from his home country and his king, Asir. When war breaks out, he is drafted into the army as an unwilling soldier. However, he does his best and works his way through the ranks of the army and society with his heroic exploits. Dragons are mainly wild and untamed creatures that are brought into the war, while Hal and others devise new and more damaging ways to use the dragons against their enemies. This tale is told in the first two books, which contain bloody action throughout. The third book covers life after the war, the difficulties ex-soldiers face, and how Hal deals with it.

16.05.2017 / 18:49

Esta pode ser a série Age of Fire de E.E. Knight? O resumo do segundo livro, Dragon Avenger :

Dragon Avenger follows Wistala, the sole surviving female. After being separated from Auron, she tracks down their gravely-injured father and spends some weeks nursing him back to health. However, Wistala and AuRel are found by the dragon hunter Drakossozh, and after her father is killed she is forced to leap into a gorge to escape. She is rescued, unconscious and near death, by a kindhearted elf named Rainfall who becomes an adoptive father to the orphan. During her stay with Rainfall, Wistala becomes involved in a conspiracy by the local thane Hammar to claim Mossbell, Rainfall's ancestral home. She later travels with a circus as a fortune teller, briefly roaming the land after uncasing her wings in search of dragons who can help her avenge her family's deaths. After an unsuccessful meeting with a small group of ambivalent dragons in the north, Wistala returns to the circus and wins favor with a dwarf named Gobold Fangbreaker, the ruler of the Wheel of Fire and the same dwarf responsible for the murder of her parents. Wistala manipulates his downfall from a position of trust, instigating a war between the dwarves and the human barbarians of the north and sabotaging the dwarves, leading to the downfall of the stronghold. Wistala slays Gobold and later encounters the Dragonblade, who agrees to end the bloodshed between their families. The book ends with Wistala preparing to leave in search of AuRon, who she finds is still alive.

Dragon Avenger spans the least amount of time of the first three books, following Wistala's first 14 years or so.

Existem dragões, um circo e uma guerra, e o título tem "Dragão".

16.05.2017 / 18:18

Isso soa como a série The Darkness de Harry Turtledove

Check - 2 grandes facções estão lutando em um ambiente medieval
Verifique - mas com dragões como força aérea.
Check - O personagem principal se junta a um grupo de cavaleiros de dragões viajando como uma espécie de circo
Verifique antes de se juntar a uma unidade militar de cavaleiros de dragões e entrar em guerra. Cheque - O livro fazia parte de pelo menos 2-3 séries de livros

16.05.2017 / 18:40

É Dragonflight , parte do Dragon Riders of Pern , série de Anne McCaffrey?

Resumo do mundo e dos livros:

Life on Pern as presented in the novels resembles a pre-industrial society with lords, holds, harpers (musicians, entertainers, and teachers), and dragons, with the occasional examples of higher technology (like flamethrowers, telegraphs, chemical fertilizers, and powerful microscopes and telescopes).

Pernese people are described as belonging to four basic groups: Weyrfolk (including Dragonriders) who live in the Weyrs, the Holders who live in the Holds (cities, towns and farms), the crafters who live in Crafthalls (or are assigned to work their crafts in certain Holds), and the Holdless who have no permanent home (including traders, displaced Holders, and brigands).

One of the main threats to Pernese civilization in the series is Thread, which is described as a mycorrhizoid spore that periodically rains down on the planet due to the orbit of the Red Star. The Red Star is set out to be a rogue planet in the Rukbat system. The Red Star, characterized as a "Sedna-class inner Oort cloud object", has a 250 Turn (or Pernese year) elliptic orbit around its sun. Thread can reach the planet Pern for about 50 Turns while the Red Star is at perihelion. Thread is described in this series as an agent that consumes organic material at a voracious rate, including crops, animals, and any humans in its path.

The Pernese use intelligent firebreathing dragons and their riders to fight Thread. The riders have a telepathic bond with their dragons, formed by Impression at the dragon's hatching. Later books deal with the initial colonization of Pern and the creation of the dragons through genetic manipulation. The lengthy time period covered by the series as a whole (over two and a half millennia) allows room for new stories and characters, explored by each new novel released by the authors.

16.05.2017 / 18:18