Por que Thanos eliminou essa corrida?


Eitri afirma que Thanos

Killed 300 of the dwarves, leaving Eitri the lone survivor of the race.

Conhecendo a fixação de Thanos com

destroying half of each sapient species, why did he choose to commit an apparently unnecessary near genocide of the dwarves?

por Rogue Jedi 28.04.2018 / 19:35

1 resposta

Acredito que a motivação de Thanos era impedir que os anões falsificassem uma arma capaz de matá-lo. Parece que

Eitri was spared out of gratitude for having forged the Infinity Gauntlet, but Thanos still cut off his hands and deactivated the forge just to be certain he couldn't make such a weapon.

Eu diria que os medos de Thanos estavam corretos, dado que com a ajuda de Thor, Eitri consegue forjar o Stormbreaker, e

A single blow from it severely wounds Thanos and almost kills him.

28.04.2018 / 21:29