Brad Pitt interpretou o Vanisher em Deadpool 2?


Em Deadpool 2 , há um personagem chamado Vanisher. Quando finalmente vemos esses personagens enfrentarem

once he dies

você vê que era alguém que se parece exatamente com Brad Pitt. Eu verifiquei o IMBb e ele afirmou que foi dito ator, mas no filme parecia um pouco CGI.

Brad Pitt, o Vanisher?

por Tfish 29.06.2018 / 12:43

1 resposta

Sim, ele estava no filme

Em uma entrevista com Screen Rant, o co-autor do Deadpool 2 Rhett Reese confirma que era de fato Brad Pitt.

Rhett Reese: Uh, Vanisher was a late add. It was the very last thing we shot on the Deadpool movie was Brad Pitt came to set. He agreed to play Vanisher in return for scale, which is a very, very low number, a low, low salary and a cup of coffee from Starbucks delivered to him by Ryan Reynolds. So Ryan had to hand over that coffee to Brad in order for him to do the part. He came in, he was willing to do it because his kids love Deadpool and he's a great guy. And uh, Ryan just asked him and he said yes, and next thing you know, boom, he's standing there, and we had, we had a ton of fun. It was about a half an hour shoot and he was on his way and it really adds a fun moment. You can hear people gasp.

What it Took For [SPOILER] to Cameo in Deadpool 2 -Screen Rant

29.06.2018 / 12:53