Que Forsaken comandou o Gholam?


Em "A Crown of Swords", os leitores foram apresentados ao mais mortífero dos Shadowspawn - o gholam - e Birgitte (via Mat) explicou que apenas seis foram criados porque até mesmo os Forsaken os temiam . Este gholam foi libertado de uma caixa de stasis por um dos Forsaken, mas nunca nos é dito quem. Eu originalmente pensei que Sammael foi quem enviou, dado que ele havia mencionado anteriormente encontrar uma caixa de stasis. No entanto, o monólogo interno de gholam teve o seguinte pensamento:

The one who commanded it wanted the man who had wounded it dead perhaps as much as he did the women, but the women were an easier target.

Sammael não tinha interesse particular em "as mulheres" (Elayne, Nynaeve, & Aviendha). Na verdade, o único Forsaken com interesse em ver esses personagens específicos mortos era Moghedien, mas quando o gholam foi despertado, ela estava

already a 'pet' of Moridin, having her soul captured in the mind trap.

Já foi revelado qual Forsaken comandou o gholam ?

por Omegacron 21.03.2018 / 15:24

1 resposta


  1. Pelo pouco que vale a pena, nenhum de Demandred, Graendal, Mesaana e Semirhage admitirão ter encontrado uma caixa de stasis:

    Mesaana nodded. "That leaves whatever might lie buried in ancient ruins or forgotten in an attic. If you want to count on finding something by chance, do so. I will not. Unless someone knows the location of a stasis box?" There was a certain dryness to that last. The stasis boxes should have survived the Breaking of the World, but that upheaval had likely as not left them on the bottom of an ocean or buried beneath mountains. Little remained of the world they had known, beyond a few names and legends.

    -- Lord of Chaos, Prologue

  2. Sammael admite ter encontrado uma caixa de estase, uma com objetos de valor de Darkfriend:

    She paused in front of Ceran Tol's "Tempo of Infinity". Not a copy. "One might think you had looted a museum, Sammael." It was hard to keep the envy from her voice, and when she saw his faint smile, she realised she had failed.

    Filling two silver-chased goblets with wine, he handed her one. “Only a stasis box. I suppose people tried to save what they could in the last days.” His smile pulled at that awful scar across his face as he beamed around the chamber, with especial fondness for the zara board projecting its field of still-transparent boxes in the air; he had always liked the more violent games. Of course, a zara board meant his stasis box had been filled by someone who followed the Great Lord; possession of a single once-human playing piece had meant imprisonment at the least on the other side. What else had he found?

    Sipping her wine—and suppressing a sigh; it was from the here and now; she had hoped for a delicate Satare or one of the exquisite Comolads—she stroked her gown with beringed fingers. “I found one as well, but beyond streith, it contained the most appalling collection of useless rubbish.” After all, since he had invited her here and let her see this, it was a time for confidences. Small confidences.

    “How sad for you.” Again that faint smile. He had found something more than playthings and pretties. “On the other hand,” he went on, “think how awful it would have been to open a box and rouse a nest of cafar, say, or a jumara, or one of Aginor’s other little creations. Did you know there are jumara loose in the Blight? Full-grown, though they’ll never transform now. They call them Worms.” He laughed so hard at that, he shook.

    -- Lord of Chaos, Chapter 6 (emphasis mine)

    O fato de o processo de pensamento e a conversa de Sammael saltar diretamente de sua caixa de estase para algumas das criações bestiais de Aginor sugere até mesmo (ou prefigura) que talvez uma criatura assim pudesse estar lá dentro, não cafar ou jumara.

  3. Sammael promete enviar Carridin "alguém" para lidar com a Aes Sedai.

    "Great Master..." He worked his mouth to find moisture. "Great Master, there are witches ... Aes Sedai ... here. I cannot be sure how many. If they hear a whisper..."

    Waving him to silence, Sammael paced a few quick steps, three times up and back, hands clasped behind his back. He did not look worried, only ... considering. Finally he nodded. "I will send you ... someone ... to deal with these Aes Sedai." He barked a short laugh. "I almost wish I could see their faces. Very well. You have a little while longer. Then perhaps someone else will have a chance."

    -- A Crown of Swords, Chapter 15 (emphasis mine)

  4. Finalmente, se a evidência não for suficiente, Maria Simons confirmou que Sammael enviou o gholam.

    Terez: Who had Herid Fel killed?
    Maria: That was A Crown of Swords right?
    Terez: It was in the epilogue of Lord of Chaos. They found out about it in A Crown of Swords. And it was the gholam. So it had to be—
    Maria: Sammael, yeah. That was Sammael.

    -- Q&A with Maria Simons

    ( Maria Simons faz parte do 'Team Jordan' há vinte anos como editora de continuidade e assistente de pesquisa. conhece as coisas dela.)

Por que ele queria que as mulheres morressem tanto quanto Mat ... bem, mesmo que elas não façam parte do Ta'veren Trio, elas ainda são figuras muito importantes para o lado da Luz - canalizadores muito strongs, pessoalmente perto de Rand e potencialmente poderoso na Torre Branca e / ou em Andor. Matá-los seria uma grande vitória para os seguidores da Sombra, independentemente de qualquer "interesse pessoal".

21.03.2018 / 15:59