Há uma pista importante na cena final que é fácil perder e
David Kyle Johnson, autor de Inception and Philosophy: Porque
Nunca é um sonho , acredita que Christopher Nolan
intencionalmente direciona erroneamente a atenção do público na cena final.
Em suma, a visão de Johnson é
the whole movie is a dream, Saito’s in particular.
Johnson fez uma conversa sobre tecnologia do Google sobre o assunto, e seus slides
também estão disponíveis. Spoilers são abundantes!
O filme é profundo e rico. Johnson e seus colaboradores também se afundaram
tempo e pensamento consideráveis em sua análise do Inception e sua
implicações. Meu resumo da justificativa de Johnson para sua posição é
Para começar, os elementos subconscientes percorrem os sonhos, por exemplo, o trem descendo a rua no sonho da chuva, a seqüência aleatória de números na cena do refém aparece repetidamente em cenas posteriores: a combinação segura, o número de telefone falso , números de quarto de hotel. No início do filme, Saito sonha com uma mansão no oceano.
Picking up on a big clue in the final scene may require turning on the closed-caption subtitles. Cobb asks his children what they’ve been doing, and they reply that they were building a house on a cliff.
Nolan deixa muitas pistas
… that the film is a dream. Mombasa was like a maze. The walls close in around Cobb. Agents appear out of nowhere.
Saito appears out of nowhere to rescue Cobb with a cheesy line about protecting his investment.
Cobb’s father-in-law pleads with him to come back to reality.
Eames is a dream forger who is able to pickpocket people without even touching them.
Eames bet his last chips in the real world but magically produced two stacks of chips to buy beers.
Mal somehow got to the other hotel across the street in the suicide scene, but Cobb begged her to come back inside to his room, reasoning that would have “made sense” only in a dream.
The top totem gives us no information about whether Cobb is dreaming because everyone else knows how it works.
The Édith Piaf song that signals the end of the dream is 2 minutes 28 seconds long. The film is exactly 2 hours 28 minutes long.
Quando alguém
… commits suicide in limbo, the subject goes one layer up.
For Cobb, the next layer up was the snow fortress.
But everyone was gone, so he filled the empty dream space with his own expectations, namely the airplane scene.
Eames pickpockets the passport in the airplane without touching Robert, the way he did in other dreams.
Esta interpretação faz um filme muito melhor.
All characters except Cobb are flat and one-dimensional — many didn’t even have last names.
Editing in the real world jumps around without transitions.
Saito swoops in out of nowhere with a cheesy line about “protect[ing] my investment.”
If the entire film is a dream, these gaffes become strengths.
The characters are flat because they’re projections.
The jumping around is not bad editing but because that’s how dreams run.
Saito’s cheesy line becomes a subtle clue that Cobb is dreaming.