Ok, pode ser estranho colocar duas respostas diferentes, mas eu encontrei uma história chamada The Afterlife of St. Vidicon of Cathode, de Christopher Stasheff. Está em uma coleção chamada Masters of Fantasy. E isso me levou a mais histórias deste autor: St. Vidicon para o Resgate
Blessed are the troubleshooters
Techno troubleshooter Tony Ricci's latest challenge is to debug the computers at the marketing firm of Rodrigo and associates. Pages of Biblical text have been appearing on every terminal throughout the network--disrupting the staff and costing the company a lot of time and work.
But he's astonished to discover that the religious text tells the story of St. Vidicon of cathode, who protects people from the consequences of Finagle's General Principle and its most famous corollary, Murphy's Law. Then his attempt to exorcise the virus places him face-to-0face with the blessed saint.
Father Vidicon needs a disciple to aid him in answering prayers, solving problems and averting disasters across the globe. In exchange, the Saint will give Tony some much-needed help with his love life. Now Tony's providing tech support for a world in peril. And it's going to take more than rebooting to fix this kind of system failure...
Este livro foi publicado tarde demais, mas eu entendo que ele o entrelaçou com outros e ele estava escrevendo já na década de 1960, então talvez algo mais por ele?