Quem é Leta Lestrange?


Em Feras Fantásticas e Onde Habitam , estou curioso para saber quem é Leta Lestrange , além de que ela é a namorada de Newt. Sempre que ouço Lestrange, Bellatrix Lestrange atinge a mente primeiro.

  1. Ela é má ou boa?
  2. Ela foi uma das razões pelas quais Newt foi expulso de Hogwarts?
por Bharatesh 07.12.2016 / 03:52

1 resposta

Leta Lestrange was a witch who, sometime between 1908 to 1916, had a close relationship with Newton Scamander while they were both students at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, due to their outcast nature and love of studying magical creatures. One of Leta's experiments went wrong, endangering the life of another student. Rather than see his friend expelled, Newt took the blame and was expelled in her place. This left him bitter, but still much in love with Leta.

Referência do Wiki: link

07.12.2016 / 04:52