Quem pintou o retrato de Clara em Heaven Sent?


Eu queria saber se há alguma dica. Você acha que foi

the original Doctor, 7000 years previously?

The first time we see the Doctor in the episode is the first time he has it down to the minimum time to recall like he could of been there decades before finding room 12, then years more working out what was in there then even longer coming up with the bird clue, and if you think the Doctor did do it how would the picture not reset.

por daniel 14.01.2016 / 22:31

1 resposta

De acordo com a página da TARDIS Wikia para o episódio :

Writing in Doctor Who Magazine #495, Moffat confirmed that the portrait of Clara was painted by the Doctor himself.

Alguém no Reddit publicou a seção inteira da revista, e esta é a linha exata:

He knows that some of those hidden messages might just survive, because he knows the castle reset isn't perfect - the dust in the teleport room, the skulls in the water, the way the portrait of Clara he painted (of course it was him, the soppy old fool) has aged.

A essência é que ele sabe que a reinicialização do castelo não é perfeita, então ele a deixa como uma mensagem para uma versão futura de si mesmo. Não foi necessariamente a primeira iteração do Doctor que pintou a mensagem, mas uma versão bastante antiga.

Moffat observa ainda:

The other message that survived? In my head – and I suppose, only there – “I AM IN 12” is also written on the back of Clara's portrait. The trouble is, the Doctor draws too much strength from her smile ever to turn her face to the wall…

14.01.2016 / 22:34