História sobre o flubber do espaço

Estou tentando lembrar de um livro que eu li quando eu era jovem (final dos anos 80), embora eu tenha certeza que o livro já era velho. Eu li em inglês.

Eu só lembro claramente de uma cena, um cientista acidentalmente cria uma substância (algo como flubber). Enquanto experimenta isso, ele envia sua banheira para o espaço. Depois disso, ele usa sua "space-flubber" para criar uma nave espacial e começa a ter aventuras no estilo Flash Gordon.

por mgh42 12.06.2018 / 01:09

2 respostas

Você pode estar se lembrando do Skylark of Space de E.E. Smith.

Na página 1, o gênio Richard Seaton acidentalmente faz um banho de cobre neutralizar a gravidade, e ele voa para fora e para o espaço. Ele então usa o segredo do Metal X para fazer uma nave espacial e voa sobre salvar planetas e parar guerras. (e cometer genocídio bem intencionado!)

Petrified with astonishment, Richard Seaton stared after the copper steam-bath upon which he had been electrolyzing his solution of "X," the unknown metal. For as soon as he had removed the beaker the heavy bath had jumped endwise from under his hand as though it were alive. It had flown with terrific speed over the table, smashing apparatus and bottles of chemicals on its way, and was even now disappearing through the open window.
He seized his prism binoculars and focused them upon the flying vessel, a speck in the distance. Through the glass he saw that it did not fall to the ground, but continued on in a straight line, only its rapidly diminishing size showing the enormous velocity with which it was moving. It grew smaller and smaller, and in a few moments disappeared utterly.
The chemist turned as though in a trance. How was this? The copper bath he had used for months was gone—gone like a shot, with nothing to make it go. Nothing, that is, except an electric cell and a few drops of the unknown solution.

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Aqui está uma foto de "Dick" Seaton testando as capacidades de voar de sua invenção acidental.

Incrível Histórias, "Dick" Seaton cover

12.06.2018 / 02:54

Poderia ser Danny Dunn e a pintura anti-gravidade ?

Through a mishap in Professor Bulfinch's laboratory, Danny accidentally creates an anti-gravity paint. In time, the government constructs a spaceship which uses the paint as a propulsion system. The spaceship is launched prematurely after Danny and Joe follow Professor Bulfinch and Dr. Grimes on a tour of the ship. A mechanical failure dooms the four to a trip out of the Solar System unless they can repair the ship. Should they fail in this, they will drift too far from the Sun and freeze to death.

Eu li a série Danny Dunn quando eu era criança. Eu não sei sobre a banheira e foi apenas uma única história, mas tem semelhanças com o que você lembra.

12.06.2018 / 02:40