Por que Bean fica com saudades de casa se não tivesse uma casa?


Em Jogo de Ender (no final do capítulo 12):

Bean wondered about it as he walked back down the corridor to his own bed. The lights went out just as he reached his bunk. He undressed in darkness, fumbling to put his clothing in a locker he couldn't see. He felt terrible. At first he thought he felt bad because he was afraid of leading an army, but it wasn't true. He knew he'd make a good commander. He felt himself wanting to cry. He hadn't cried since the first few days of homesickness after he got here. He tried to put a name on the feeling that put a lump in his throat and made him sob silently, however much he tried to hold it down. He bit down on his hand ta stop the feeling, to replace it with pain. It didn't help. He would never see Ender again.

O problema com isso é que em Ender's Shadow é revelado que Bean cresceu sem teto nas ruas de Roterdã. Nenhuma indicação é dada de que ele já sentiu isso como qualquer senso de uma casa ou que ele se arrependeu de sair de lá. Por exemplo, leia a conta da primeira noite de Bean na Battle School:

Bean slept lightly, listening, as he always did, waking twice that he remembered. He didn't get up, just lay there listening to the breathing of the others. Both times, there was a little whispering somewhere in the room. Always children's voices, no urgency about them, but the sound was enough to rouse Bean and kindle his attention, just for a moment till he was sure there was no danger.

Então, por que o Ender's Game disse que ele estava chorando de saudade?

por ibid 19.11.2015 / 05:35

2 respostas

Ele estava chorando por causa de Poke e ela sacrificando sua vida para salvá-lo (o que Ender o lembrou quando analisou a falta de egoísmo de Ender em treinar outras crianças no tempo livre). E, parcialmente, porque sentia falta da irmã Charlotta, que lhe deu sua primeira casa de verdade.

If Ender Wiggin has this weakness, then I will not be anything like him. I am not going to sacrifice myself for anybody. And the beginning of that is that I refuse to lie in my bed and cry for Poke floating there in the water with her throat slit, or boo-hoo because Sister Carlotta isn't asleep in the next room.

He wiped his eyes, rolled over, and willed his body to relax and go to sleep. Moments later, he was dozing in that light, easy-to-rouse sleep. Long before morning his pillow would be dry. ("Ender's Shadow", Chapter 7 - Exploration)

Por favor note que Bean NÃO estava sem emoções - ele explicitamente observou para si mesmo em Ender's Shadow que ele tinha emoções humanas normais; ele simplesmente se recusou a ser governado por eles.

22.11.2015 / 23:40

As ruas ainda eram sua casa. Independentemente da natureza esquálida de onde você cresceu, ainda é uma parte importante da sua vida e do desenvolvimento de seu personagem. Essa saudade era provavelmente da separação do familiar. Quando um jovem é tirado de tudo o que sabe, ainda é traumatizante.

19.11.2015 / 05:47