O que aconteceu com certos inimigos no final do Episódio 13 da Série 02, “Doomsday”?


No final da série 02, episódio 13, "Doomsday", o médico

opens the breach between the two Earths, then reverses it, which has the effect of pulling everything which has crossed the Void (as doing so saturates the object in Void material) back into the Void.

O que aconteceu com

the Cybermen created after the invasion, on Earth, which never crossed the Void? Presumably they were not saturated in the Void material, so they would still remain?

por iokevins 27.12.2017 / 22:35

1 resposta

Do episódio de Torchwood Cyberwoman :

OWEN: These things brought down Torchwood One. But they were all destroyed. Why is there one in our bloody basement!

GWEN: Just tell me what it does.

OWEN: It's the remnants of a conversion unit. This machinery turns humans into Cybermen.

Pode-se supor que aqueles que não cruzaram o Vazio, que não foram convertidos com uso significativo de partes tomadas através do Vazio, e que sobreviveram à Batalha inicial em Canary Wharf, foram destruídos pelas forças locais. Os restos de Torchwood e U.N.I.T. parecem candidatos lógicos.

27.12.2017 / 23:59
