Quem são os dois Istari mencionados em Shadow of Mordor?


Um dos artefatos encontrados em Middle Earth: Shadow of Mordor é um Broken Staff , acompanhado por esta memória:

Funny thing, that. They told us their names, plenty of times. But we all forgot. To a man, we forgot. It was like they didn't want us remembering. After a while, they were just the two Istari, and sometimes, the big one and the little one.

Can't say how I can't remember. I remember the bigger one telling us stories of a Goblin city, of a man who could turn himself into a bear, of the time when… well, I guess it didn't matter too much to him that some of his stories needed some cleaning up, or would scare a dead man out of his grave.

When the bigger one left, he took his cane. But he left a walking stick behind, with all these little notches cut into it. He was keeping track of something, for sure.

Eles são os Istari Azuis? Eles poderiam ser Gandalf e Radagast (a menos que esses dois fossem estabelecidos em outro lugar). A Sombra do Mordor Wiki sugere que estes são Blue Istari . O cânon tem alguma coisa a dizer? Tudo que lembro de Contos Inacabados é que eles foram para o leste.

por muru 18.08.2015 / 23:33

1 resposta

De acordo com a Sombra de Mordor, eles foram mortos pela Mão Negra.

Isso significa que eles só poderiam ter sido os Blue Wizards, que era a explicação mais provável dada a localização deles de qualquer maneira.

I think they went as emissaries to distant regions, East and South, far out of Numenorean range: missionaries to enemy-occupied lands, as it were. What success they had I do not know; but I fear that they failed, as Saruman did, though doubtless in different ways; and I suspect they were founders or beginners of secret cults and 'magic' traditions that outlasted the fall of Sauron.

(contos inacabados)

19.08.2015 / 01:39