Por que K.A. Applegate escreve que existem cinco livros Megamorphs?


No final do último livro Animorphs , Applegate escreve (ênfase minha):

Well, here it is at long last: the final chapter in the Animorphs story. It began in the summer of 1996. It ends in the summer of 2001. Five years, 54 regular titles, 4 Chronicles, 5 Megamorphs and 2 Alternamorphs. An amazing number of you have read all those books. I am deeply grateful.

Aqueles que não têm acesso ao livro podem ler esta passagem na página 157, na pré-visualização na Amazon.com.

Até onde eu posso ver, existem apenas quatro livros Megamorphs. Isso é um erro de digitação ou erro?

Talvez ela considere um livro Megamorphs (já que tem um estilo parecido, alternando entre o POV dos diferentes Animorphs.) Mas ele não diz "Megamorphs" na frente. desse livro (como os títulos da Megamorphs). Além disso, se Applegate considera que livro um Megamorphs, ela estaria contando isso duas vezes na citação acima, como ela também diz que existem 54 títulos regulares.

Isso é apenas um erro de digitação?

por Revetahw 30.08.2016 / 21:17

2 respostas

K.A. Applegate - é tudo sobre contratos

Jeff Sampson, (proprietário da MORPHz.com) retransmitiu a seguinte citação de K.A. Applegate sobre o misterioso Megamorphs # 5:

This is what K.A. told me about the cutting of Megamorphs #5 on October 17, 2000:

"Anyway, on to the saga of the missing MEGA. It's all about contracts, actually. I had signed a contract for 6 ANI long-form books, meaning Megas or Chrons. And I had, at a different point, signed a contract for the last bunch of regular-length ANI's. But the two contracts weren't synchronized, so the due dates of the long forms extended well out beyond the due dates of the regular-length books. Then I decided to pull the plug on the series, leaving Scholastic in something of a quandary as to 3 long-form books.

"One of the long books we agreed to make a series bible. Another one was going to be a 'whatever happened to . . .' kind of book to be published a year out in the future. And the third one would be a final Mega to be published (according to the regular schedule) at the same time as 53. Fine, but then I realized 53, 54 and the Mega were all going inevitably to be one, continuing storyline. So how do we get kids to realize Mega and 53 were in sequence when they were published at the same time? We then agreed to move Mega to run at the same time as 54, hoping that would clarify things. But Scholastic sales and marketing guys had different plans already in the works. And let me say that I love Scholastic sales and marketing, they have done very, very well for me.

"Anyway, I think (though I do not know) that sales was concerned that two ANI books in June would step on the release of REMNANTS at the same time. These plans are all made long, long in advance and involve all sorts of details and arrangements, and my messing with the sequence wasn't helping their lives any. So we all jointly decided to take BOTH the final Mega and the 'Whatever happened to . . .' books and add them to the REMNANTS contract.

"I am not personally at all upset. I think the finale is fine the way it's going, though I understand that some readers may have wanted one big, final MEGA. Still, I think they'll get some of that in 54."


Originalmente publicado aqui [deadlink] . Referenciado aqui Julho de 2002

Michael Grant - É tudo sobre matemática

No entanto, o co-autor Michael Grant diz que a história anterior não é verdadeira, e que a resposta foi realmente apenas matemática ruim.

Why does the 'A Letter to Fans' in Animorphs #54 say that there are five Megamorphs books?

That's because neither @kaaauthor nor I should ever be trusted where numbers are concerned.

Does it have anything to do with cancelled books? (I read somewhere that there was a 5th Megamorphs planned that got turned into a Remnants)

No, that's def not true. Our EVERWORLD contract for 20 books was turned into REMNANTS 'cuz EVER was hard to write.

Don't know how accurate this is, but Jeff Sampson had quoted @kaaauthor as saying that Megamorphs #5 got added to the Remnants contract.

I think it's just confusion over the conversion of the EVERWORLD contract. At least to the best of my memory.

17.09.2017 / 09:38

Existem apenas quatro livros Megamorphs

Isto é facilmente confirmado verificando a página da Wikipedia para a Lista de Animorphs Books , onde apenas quatro desses livros estão listados . Os quatro livros em questão são:

Se isso é simplesmente um erro de digitação ou um erro matemático digno de J.K. Rowling não está claro. No entanto, há algum motivo para um possível erro: o primeiro livro da Megamorphs foi originalmente dividido em dois volumes separados , o que pode ter contribuído para algumas memórias confusas por parte da K.A. Applegate, ou simplesmente foi considerado como dois livros por ela. A última explicação parece improvável, no entanto, como The Andalite Chronicles foi originalmente dividido em três volumes, mas a contagem de livros de Crônicas em o posfácio é preciso.

30.08.2016 / 23:22
