Identificação: Novela sobre campos de forças de bolhas que permitem viajar no tempo para o futuro


Eu li há algum tempo um livro de ficção científica e não consigo lembrar seu título / autor. No futuro próximo, a humanidade descobre a tecnologia para criar campos de força de bolha que não podem ser penetrados por nada e duram alguns segundos. Durante esses segundos, o tempo não passa dentro da bolha e não há como sair do lado de fora para adivinhar quando a bolha vai desaparecer.

Inicialmente é usado como uma medida de proteção contra acidentes. Logo a tecnologia evolui e as bolhas podem ser sustentadas por qualquer período de tempo. O tempo exato de dissolução é configurado imediatamente antes da ativação. Algumas pessoas as usaram para se congelarem por anos (até mesmo séculos) e perambulam pelo futuro da humanidade ...

por Oscar Foley 22.09.2016 / 16:12

1 resposta

Isso soa como a Guerra da Paz de Vernor Vinge ou uma de suas sequelas, O Desgovernado ou Marooned em Tempo Real

Resumo da Wikipedia A Guerra da Paz :

The story takes place in 2048, 51 years after scientists at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory develop "the ultimate weapon", a force field generating device they term a Bobbler. The bureaucracy running the Laboratory use it to enforce an end to conventional warfare (triggering a brief war in the process), calling themselves the Peace Authority. The Bobbler creates a perfectly spherical, impenetrable, and persistent shield around or through anything, and is used to contain nuclear weapons, people, and occasionally entire cities or governments, separating them from the rest of the world (and presumably killing everyone inside by eventual suffocation and lack of sunlight).

In an effort to retain their monopoly on this weapon, they make technological progress illegal, and their power and fear of rebellion corrupts them. In this world, governments are weak, where they are permitted at all; the Peace Authority is the true bearer of power and becomes a worldwide government. A group of rebels, the Tinkers, develop technology clandestinely far beyond what the Authority has (while limited to riding horseback and other Authority-mandated anachronisms), but still has no defense against the bobble. One of the original inventors of the bobble is part of the resistance, and he develops a more advanced version of the bobbler which does not require the huge electrical power sources available only to the Peace Authority.

It is discovered by the Tinkers (and much later by the Peace Authority) that the bobbles are actually not force fields, but stasis fields; within which time has stopped. So not only are the contents perfectly preserved, but they open spontaneously after a certain time period. The Tinkers use their knowledge and the Peacers' ignorance of this effect to their advantage (bobbling themselves for short time periods, for instance), and with the help of a young thief (and mathematical genius), they lead a rebellion to try to bobble the power generators of the Peace Authority and thus neutralize its primary weapon.

22.09.2016 / 16:18