Muitas das coisas mencionadas apontam para a Harvard Square. Por exemplo, "costumávamos andar livremente por lá, quando era uma universidade ".
No entanto, a palavra Harvard está ausente em todo o livro, e Cambridge ( Inglaterra ) aparece apenas nas notas no final (supondo que é uma transcrição completa: ).
Salão do Memorial é mencionado.
"large old building on it; ornate late Victorian, with stained glass. It used to be called Memorial Hall"
(page 238 of 375)
Maine é mencionado duas vezes.
“I almost made it out. They got me up as far as Salem, then in a truck full of chickens to Maine."
(page 303 of 375)
This item—I hesitate to use the word document — was uncurl hod on the site of what was once the city of Bangor, in what, at the time prior to the inception of the Gileadean regime, would have been the state of Maine.
(page 357 of 375)
Existe início PROOF? Não. Não, a menos que se descreva a escadaria branca da biblioteca. Estou assumindo que parece exatamente assim:
The Library is like a temple. There’s a long flight of white steps, leading to the rank of doors. Then, inside, another white staircase going up. To either side of it, on the wall, there are angels. Also there are men fighting, or about to fight, looking clean and noble, not dirty and bloodstained and smelly the way they must have looked. Victory is on one side of the inner doorway, leading them on, and Death is on the other. It’s a mural in honor of some war or other. The men on the side of Death are still alive. They’re going to heaven. Death is a beauti- ful woman, with wings and one breast almost bare; or is that Victory? I can’t re- member.
(page 195 of 375)
Se assim for, você não tem sorte; assim como o autor você esteve lá, e isso é trapaça.