Nem todos os condutores aterrados são brancos, e nem todos os condutores brancos são condutores aterrados.
Não há problema em usar um fio branco ou cinza como um condutor não aterrado, desde que o condutor seja permanentemente identificado.
National Electrical Code 2014
Chapter 2 Wiring and Protection
Article 200 Use and Identification of Grounded Conductors
200.7 Use of Insulation of a White or Gray Color or with Three Continuous White Stripes.
(C) Circuits of 50 Volts or More. The use of insulation that is white or gray or that has three continuous white or gray stripes for other than a grounded conductor for circuits of 50 volts or more shall be permitted only as in (1) and (2).
(1) If part of a cable assembly that has the insulation permanently reidentified to indicate its use as an ungrounded conductor by marking tape, painting, or other effective means at its termination and at each location where the conductor is visible and accessible. Identification shall encircle the insulation and shall be a color other than white, gray, or green. If used for single-pole, 3-way or 4-way switch loops, the reidentified conductor with white or gray insulation or three continuous white or gray stripes shall be used only for the supply to the switch, but not as a return conductor from the switch to the outlet.
Existe um problema com a troca do condutor aterrado, mas não há problema em trocar um condutor branco (desde que seja identificado novamente).
Chapter 4 Equipment for General Use
Article 404 Switches
404.2 Switch Connections.
(B) Grounded Conductors. Switches or circuit breakers shall not disconnect the grounded conductor of a circuit.
Exception: A switch or circuit breaker shall be permitted to disconnect a grounded circuit conductor where all circuit conductors are disconnected simultaneously, or where the device is arranged so that the grounded conductor cannot be disconnected until all the ungrounded conductors of the circuit have been disconnected.
Antes da introdução de 404.2 (C) , os loops de dois fios eram comuns. Como um cabo de dois fios tem apenas um fio preto e branco (e o terra às vezes), o fio branco teve que ser identificado novamente e usado como um condutor não aterrado.