A primeira menção de Darth Bane no EU Star Wars está na romancização de "The Ameaça Fantasma "por Terry Brooks. Esta referência é anterior a todas as outras mídias em que ele aparece.
Dado que este livro é "Baseado no roteiro e na história de George Lucas", podemos concluir que Bane foi uma invenção original de George Lucas que simplesmente não entrou no filme:
The Sith who had survived when all of his fellows had died had understood that. He had adopted patience as a virtue when the others had forsaken it. He had adopted cunning, stealth, and subterfuge as the foundation of his way—old Jedi virtues the others had disdained. He stood aside while the Sith tore at each other like kriks and were destroyed. When the carnage was complete, he went into hiding, biding his time, waiting for his chance.
When it was believed all of the Sith were destroyed, he emerged from his concealment. At first he worked alone, but he was growing old and he was the last of his kind. Eventually, he went out in search of an apprentice. Finding one, he trained him to be a Master in his turn, then to find his own apprentice, and so to carry on their work. But there would only be two at any one time. There would be no repetition of the mistakes of the old order, no struggle between Siths warring for power within the cult. Their common enemy was the Jedi, not each other. It was for their war with the Jedi they must save themselves.
The Sith who reinvented the order called himself Darth Bane.
- The Phantom Menace : Chapter 10
Isto é apoiado pelo agora extinto " A Nova Cronologia Essencial " página em starwars.com que explicitamente afirma que a primeira menção de Bane está na novelização e vem da história de Lucas para os Sith:
But the events of Ruusan were still just ancient history until the Jedi vs. Sith comic. It consisted of six issues published monthly in 2001 from Dark Horse Comics. The fall-out from the battle continued in a short story titled "Bane of the Sith," published in Star Wars Gamer magazine #3 (2001, Wizards of the Coast), which dramatizes Darth Bane's arrival on Dxun. The character of Bane and his secret reformation of the Sith order actually come from George Lucas' back-story to Episode I.