Portanto, supondo que Holden esteja certo, os pensionistas sabiam que o resultado mais provável seria que o Donnager se autodestruiria, mas também poderiam levar a nave.Boarding a ship was one of the riskiest maneuvers in naval combat. It was basically a race between the boarders rushing to the engine room and the collective will of those who had their fingers on the self-destruct button. After even one look at Captain Yao, Holden could have told them who'd lose that race.
Still. Someone had thought it was worth the risk.
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the later development
Só para ficar claro sobre o que estamos falando, presumo que você esteja se referindo a esse desenvolvimento:
The plan is to destabilize the solar system by creating all-out war between all major factions through a series of false flag operations. It began with the destruction of the Earth-owned but Belt-staffed ship the Canterbury (which of course also supplied the Belt with life-critical resources) Canterbury, which appeared to have been done by Mars. Mars is by far technologically superior to Earth and the Belt/OPA.
Assim, se os internos assumirem o controle do Donnager , eles controlam um navio marciano e podem continuar com seu plano inicial que começou com Canterbury : Culpando Marte. / p>
Se não o fizerem, e o Donnager se auto-destrói, eles sabem que Marte provavelmente culpará o Belt / OPA por ambos os incidentes, o que é o que acontece.
De qualquer forma, eles alcançaram seu objetivo.